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El profesor Joaquín García-Tapial explica en este vídeo qué es el Modelo de Negocio de una empresa.
La profesora Mercedes Torres explica en esta píldora formativa de la asignatura "STATISTICS I" qué es una variable y qué tipos de variables podemos analizar.
La profesora del departamento de Gestión Empresarial, Fuensanta Galán, en este vídeo da algunos consejos para preparar un Elevator Pitch.
La profesora del departamento de Gestión Empresarial, Fuensanta Galán, explica en este vídeo cómo hacer una Entrevista de Problema.
This case profiles Cutco and Vector Marketing and the direct selling business model, which the company uses to market and sell their products directly to consumers through an independent, volunte
In 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided 14 7-Eleven stores that subjected about 50 undocumented immigrants to negligent human rights violations.
On August 29, 2018 Eric Bauman, Chairman of the Democratic Party of California sent out a midnight tweet exposing In-N-Out Burger’s donation of $25,000 to the Republican party and called for a na
On September 4, 2018, Nike, Inc. launched a new ad campaign featuring, Colin Kaepernick, a professional athlete with a highly polarizing image.
This paper highlights the role of nonprofit organizations in communicating risk.
This article seeks to acknowledge fear as a strong presence in the workforce by identifying from whence it comes.
Shirley received a letter from the firm her husband Cliff had worked for years ago, stating that he had a one-time opportunity to receive his full retirement benefit in a single, lump-sum payment
This critical incident describes a business and legal dilemma faced by an executive of a franchised restaurant. The franchisee had received word that the franchisor was immediately terminating t
This critical incident explores the importance of implementing a strong internal control system.
At least 5,300 Wells Fargo Bank employees had created over 1.5 million deposit accounts and over 500,000 credit card accounts for Wells Fargo customers without the customers’ permission – many of
“Fair use” is a defense to a claim of copyright infringement codified in 17 U.S.C. § 107.
This critical incident describes a federal regulatory battle faced by Fourth Corner Credit Union.
This critical incident is about a strategic marketing decision.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a popular television host of the day-time talk-show The View, announced to her audience that she was struggling with celiac disease.
Hearing loss is a public health concern. Recent national legislation has been passed to introduce a future technological disruptor: over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.