Creighton University
July 6 - 9, 2017
Using our Work for the Common Good:

The Transformative Power of Jesuit-Inspired Business Practices

  Although alignment with a religious tradition is not required to be an effective business faculty member, CJBE recognizes and encourages faculty engagement in faith and values-based pedagogy, research and service. We look to our Jesuit and Catholic traditions for insight in addressing global issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Further, we look to our faith-based networks for collaborative opportunities and innovations to resolve these issues as we leave our imprint on students and alumni, and attract new talent. Business ethics, sustainability, and economic justice, and Ignatian pedagogy are the top areas of interest reported by CJBE stakeholders, so we encourage your submissions on these and other related topics.

   Recently, Jesuits have been calling for a “reconciliation with humanity” and the call to “reconciliation with creation.”  How can we help students think about business as a means of bringing about this reconciliation, and what does that look like?  What do business practices informed and guided by faith look like?  How should marketing look different in light of Jesuit values or Catholic Social Teachings?  How should faith values affect our view of employees, customers, suppliers, and business transactions?  How do we help our students to consider the importance of creating good goods, good work, and good wealth?  These are just a few of the sorts of questions we hope to engage.  Our goal, as always, is to encourage our members, build collaboration, and strengthen networking opportunities.

Jesuit inspiration:

   The major decree which came from the 2016 Jesuit congregation was "Companions in A Mission of Reconcilliation and Justice" (HERE).  In it, we are reminded that "God labors in the world" and that we "are called to be companions of Jesus and “co-workers with God.” in helping to bring about restoration and healing in the world"(#3)  In addition, it highlighted that, "In all we do, we want to heed Pope Francis, who has urged us to promote dynamics of personal and social transformation" (#37)  Similarly, in light of the document Vocation of the Business Leader (HERE) (Pontifical Institute for Justice and Peace), we realize as business educators the importance of seeing business as itself a vocation and calling, and so we seek to give our students a vision of seeing their business practices as bringing glory to God-- hoping to participate in the redemption God seeks, as we engage in business to transform culture, society and the world itself.

For questions about the CJBE conference please contact either Andy Gustafson: [email protected] or Tina Facca-Miess: [email protected]