Wednesday July 5th:

  • Those CJBE board members who are in town will have supper at Session Room (5 blocks from Heider College of Business) and drinks together (on our own dime).  Some rooms on campus and at hotel will be available for reservation.

Thursday July 6th:

  • 8:00 AM: Breakfast for all who can make it at 11worth café

  • 10:00 - 2:30: CJBE board meeting at Harper Center (Heider College of Business, Creighton) (Harper 3023N)

  • 3:00 - 4:15: Pre-conference session for new or newer faculty on basics of Jesuit and Ignatian history and pedagogy

  • 2:00 - 4:30: Check-in/registration 3rd floor of Harper Center

  • 4:30: Opening Welcome and Keynote (Harper 3023), Welcome to Creighton Fr. Daniel Hendrickson (President of Creighton), Welcome to Heider College of Business Tony Hendrickson (Dean of Heider), Keynote: Fr. "Nicky" Santos:  The Current State of Jesuit Business Education

  • 6:00 - 6:30: Mass

  • 7:00: Depart for  Omaha Press Club for food and cocktails, Top of old First National Bank Building on foot (shuttle available for those who need it—its about 3 blocks)

Friday July 7th:

  • 7:45am Harper Center 3023B Continental Breakfast

  • 8:30 AM: Morning Reflection  -- Joan Lee

  • 8:45- 9:30: Concurrent sessions:

  • 3027 "Faith and Business" Exploring Business from a Theological, Managerial, and Historical Perspective (Cathleen McGrath and Allan Deck, S.J., Loyola Marymount)

  • 3029 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Public Service Motivation (PSM): Do We Self-Heal ( Crystal Evans and Gregory Evans, Regis)

  • 3023 Student Formation to Faith Leader (Megan Kalina, St. Catherine)

  • 9:45-10:00 BREAK

  • 10:00 10:45: Concurrent sessions:

  • 3027 Laudato Si' in Action: Business as a Vocation Promoting the Common Good (Angela Senander, University of St. Thomas)

  • 3029 Digital Divide as a Social Justice Issue (Ravi Nath and Andy Gustafson, Creighton)

  • 3023 Bringing Emotional Intelligence to the Jesuit Business Academy (Nadeje Alexandre and William Weis, Seattle U.)

  • 11:15 - 12:15: Panel Discussion: Jesuit Worldwide Learning (Fr. Peter Balleis, SJ)

  • 12:15 - 1:25: Lunch

  • 1:30 - 2:15: Concurrent sessions:

  • 3027 Mind the Gap: Organizational Study as a Bridge Between Catholic Social Thought and Economics (Brian Saxton, John Carroll)

  • 3029 Improving Capital Allocation to Social Entrepreneurs (Brent Horton, Fordham)

  • 3023 Case Proposal-- Wells Fargo Account Scandal (Megan Kalina, St. Catherine)

  • 2:30-4:00: Concurrent sessions:

  • 3027 Ignatian Teaching Chair: Alexei Marcoux

  • A. Toward An Integrated "In All Things" Based Ignatian Teaching and Theory Building Epistemology (Richard Nielsen, Boston College)

  • B. How to Unleash the Transformative Power of Teaching Practices (Gezinus Hidding, Michael Hewitt, Mary Malliaris, and Carol Scheidenhlm, Loyola Chicago)

  • 3029  Teaching and Experience Chair: Mariah Webinger

  • A. Using a Scavenger Hunt to Teach Mission (Molly Pepper, Gonzaga)

  • B. Weltanschauung and the Autobiography Transforming the Jesuit Business School Experience Through Sharing Personal Stories (Hartley McGrath & William Weis, Seattle U.)

  • 3023 Jesuit Initiatives  Chair: Gina Quin

  • A. Boston College's Summer Management Catalyst Program (Sarah Cabral, Boston College)

  • B. Creighton's Financial Hope Collaborative: Financial Stability for Low Income Families (Julie Kalkowski, Creighton)

  • 4:15 - 5:30: Keynote session by Chris Lowney and Steve Porth.

  • 5:45 - 6:15: Mass, return to hotel rooms.

  • 7:00: Hotshops Reception: Shuttle will run between Harper and Hotshops from 7-730 and again from 9-930.

Saturday July 8th:

  • 8:15 AM: Morning Reflection – Fr. Frank Rocca, S.J.

  • 8:30 - 9:20: Panel on Economy of Communion (John Gallagher, Jeanne Buckey, Andy Gustafson)

  • 9:30 - 11:00: Concurrent sessions:

  • 3027 Ignatian Pedagogy Chair: Keith Olson

  • A. Ignatian Pedagogy Reads the New York Times: Cultivating Critical Reasoning and Writing About Business Ethics (Ken Weidner, St. Joseph's)

  • B. Three Suggestions to Subvert Greed, Glutton, and the Worship of the Golden Calf in the Voc-Techs of Money Mongering (Athar Murtuza, Seton Hall)

  • 3029 Accounting & Online Teaching Chair: Vasant Raval

  • A. Reflections and Lessons Learned from Teaching Accounting Ethics (Kristine Brands, Regis)

  • B. Indifference, Discernment, and Adaptation: The Transformative Dynamics of Ignatian Pedagogy in Online Course Design (Dung Tran, Seattle U)

  • 3023  Future of CJBE  Chair: Fr. Nicky Santos

  • A. Changing the World Once Again Through Jesuit-Inspired Education and Business Practice (James Stoner and Robert Brancatelli, Fordham U)

  • B. Results from the 2017 CJBE Stakeholder Survey (Tina Facca-Meiss, John Carroll)

  • 11-11:15 BREAK

  • 11:15 - 12:15: Panel on The Jesuit DBA Program: 2 years Into the Cooperative Project  (Maggie Knight, Mary Cooper, Kristy Grayson, Tom Purcell, Paul Buller, Stacey Menzel Baker, Andy Gustafson)

  • 12:15 - 1:15: Lunch -- CJBE business meeting at Lunchtime

  • 1:30 - 2:15: Concurrent sessions:

  • 3027 Is Excessive Service Learning a Too-Much-of-A Good-Thing Effect? (Omid Sabbaghi and Gerald Cavanagh, SJ, and Timothy Hipskind, SJ, Detroit Mercy)

  • 3029 The Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on the Rate New Product Diffusion in Base of the Pyramid Markets (BOP) (Chanu Valluri and Keith Olson, Creighton)

  • 3023 An Ethics-Intensive, Service-Learning Experience in a Community Long-Term Facility (Anthony Delconte and George Sillup, St Joseph's 

  • 2:30 - 4:00: Concurrent sessions

  • 3027 Corporate Policies  Chair: Christine Brands

  • A. Fair Wage: An Analysis of Executive Compensation Through the Lens of Catholic Social Teaching (Mariah Webinger and James Martin, John Carroll) 

  • B. An Analysis of Jesuit Values and Reflection in an Online Cyber Security Program (Antonio Drommi)

  • 3029 Leadership and Responsibility  Chair: Stacey Menzel Baker

  • A. Beyond the Business of Medicine and Healing: Social Responsibility for Economic Growth and Job Creations (Anthony Delconte and William Trombetta, St Joseph's)

  • B. Ignatian Tools for Ethical Leadership (Joan Lee, Fairfield)

  • 3023 Management and Leadership Chair: Kathi Mettler

  • A. Ignatian Pedagogy with Deming Management Ideas (Joyce Orsini, Fordham)

  • B. Servant Leadership and Jesuit Values: An Outsiders View on Bridging the Accessibility Gap (Derek Kruse, Creighton)

  • 4:15 - 5:30: “What have we learned, and Where to go from here?”  This is an interactive session which will be jump-started by the Results from the 2017 CJBE Stakeholder Survey (facilitator: CJBE President, Tina Facca-Miess)   

  • 5:45 - 6:15: Mass

  • 7:00: Go to “the Vic” (Victorian) Andy Gustafson’s place (shuttles to/from—only 7 minutes away from Harper Center): porch-sitting, firepit, catered buffet (shuttle provided—runs between Harper Center and Andy’s 7-730 and 9-930)