Renewing Jesuit Business Education

July 14 and 15
9:00AM-1:00PM EST

Zoom Links to the sessions can be found under the  Schedule tab

In early 2019, a group of Jesuit business education leaders from around the world met, at the invitation of the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU), to consider how Jesuit business education could be renewed so as to contribute to the creation of a just social order in which all can flourish. Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si’,” and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and listening to the voices of concerned students, faculty and a host of thought leaders, this task force prepared a white paper titled, “An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education.” This document identifies some of the deeper hungers or desires that drive and inspire the idealism of students in Jesuit Business Schools. The next step is renewing business curricula at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The vision of this virtual conference is to motivate us to work together towards renewing business education so that it is “firmly based upon an ethical framework that emphasizes the fundamental questions of the dignity and the potential of the individual, the centrality of the common good, and the importance of social networks that affirm and support human flourishing.”


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The virtual conference to be held on July 14 and 15 has a twofold objective:

  1. To paint the bigger picture of the situation that we are in and highlight the need for renewal of Jesuit business education. This objective is targeted at a general audience that could include attendees from non-Jesuit institutions and also involves making this audience aware of the Inspirational Paradigm document.

  2. To work on curriculum redevelopment by attracting faculty from various disciplines to reflect on the document and propose curricular innovation that would spur the renewal of Jesuit business education. This objective is targeted at faculty from Jesuit Business Schools. 

Day 1: The big picture that necessitates the renewal of business education, examples of program redesign, and a dean’s panel that responds to this call for renewal.

Panelists include:

  • Fr. Michael Garanzini, S.J. (Secretary for Higher Education of the Society of Jesus and chair of IAJU)

  • Jeffrey Sachs (renowned American Economist)

  • Fr. Augusto Zampini (adjunct secretary of the Vatican Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development)

Deans Panel:

  • Joe Phillips (Seattle University, USA))

  • Donna Rapaccioli (Fordham University, USA)

  • Rudy Ang (Ateneo de Manila, Philippines)

  • Josep Franch (ESADE Ramon Lull University, Spain)

  • Claudia Bitencourt (UNISINOS University, Brazil)

Day 2: Developing a Business Curriculum for the New Normal

  • Panel on developing innovative business curricula

  • Workshops on rethinking core business courses for the new normal and creating new innovative ones