Saturday, June 23 2001


16:00 - 17:45Opening Ceremony:  Conference Center - Huron Ballroom

Host and Moderator

 Dr. Gary A. Giamartino, Dean, College of Business Administration, 
 University of Detroit Mercy


 Reverend Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost  
 University of Detroit Mercy

Dr.Gregory W. Ulferts, Professor, College Of Business Administration,

 University Of Detroit Mercy
 IAJBS President


 Mr. Frank M. Heneessey, Chairman of the Board, EMCO, Ltd.

 Chairman of the Detroit Regional Chamber Of Commerce
 Mr. J. David Allen, Director  Supplier Diversity Group
 General Motors Corporation

Response from the Third World

 Reverend Gonzalo Arroyo, S.J., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
 University Alberto Hurtado

IAJBS Project for Consideration            

 Dr. Thomas Bausch, Professor, College Of Business Administration
 Marquette University
 IAJBS Executive Director
18:00-19:00Mass: University Outer Drive Chapel
 Presider: Reverend Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
 University Of Detroit mercy
19:00Conference Center - Ontario Ballroom - Second Floor
 "Bringing the World Together"
 Scarf Dance Performer: Ms. LaUnique McElroy
 Coordinator: Ms. Thelizia McElroy
 Choreographer: Mr. Steven Miller
 Makup and Customs: Ms. LaBride Wilson
 Strolling Dinner
21:30Bus Depart


Hospitality Suite: Holiday Inn Fairlane  - Suite 624
 Please join us for conversation and relaxation.

Monday, June 25, 2001


7:30-8:00Bus Transportation to University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus
 Please note that these are departure time
 Buses depart from both the Holiday Inn Fairlane and the University Of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus
 (Please come to the Livernois Guard Gate to board the bus.
8:00-8:30Mass: University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus Chapel
8:00-9:00Continental Breakfast: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom

IAJBS Registration

 University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus
 Conference Center: Huron Ballroom
 Please note that this room is located on the north side of the second floor
 Please ask to be shown the center for Computer and Internet Usage

Manufacturing And Its Impact In The Global Economy

 Reverend Fernando de la Iglesia S. J., University de Deusto
 Ms. Phyllis Eisen, Executive Director of Center for Workforce Success and Senior Vice President of National Association Of Manufacturers. "The Importance of Manufacturing in an Economy."
 Mr. Thomas Karig, Director of Public Relations and Government Affairs,Volkswagen de Mexico "International Manufacturing: Cross Cultural Leadership in the Global Economy"
 Mr. Larry Higgason, President of Productivity Action Associates "Supply Chain Management"

 Mr. Lee Sage, Partner for McKinsey and Company Former Chairman of the Association for Manufacturing  Excellence "Preparing Leaders in Manufacturing and Technology for the Global Economy"
10:30-11:00Coffee Break: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom.
11:00-12:00Best Practices in Manufacturing Curricula and Research 
 Please note that these are Concurrent Session.

Conference Center - Huron Ballroom

 Dr. Roberto Horta Berro, Dean, Faculty Of Business, University Of Catolica del Uruguay. 
 Dr. Mohan Subramaniam, Professor, Wallace E. Caroll School of Management, Boston College. " The Impact of Technology/Knowledge   on Competition: Influences of Teaching" 

 Dr. Javier Sanchez Diaz de Rivera, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Universidad Iberoamericana - Golfo Center. "An Integrated Professional Curriculum: A New Model For Iberoamericana"

Conference Center - Ontario Ballroom

 Dr. Denny Yeh Hong - Mo, Professor Of Operations Management, Fu Jen Catholic University 
 Mr. Rey David Navarro, Professor, Universidad Iberoamericana - Golfo Center " The Volkswagen/Iberoamerican Vinculation Project."
 Mr. Jaime Ferrerosa T, Professor, Pontificia Universidad  Javeriana " Free Zones as Logistics Platforms and the Impact in the Development of Latin American Countries."


Conference Center - Manistee Room

 Dr. Teresita Ireneo-Manalo, Master Instructor, City University
 Dr. Karel Soudan, Professor, University Of Antwerp " Commercial Engineering"
Presentation (Power Point)
 Mr. Daniel Grady, Outcome Management Consultants " Opportunities for Leadership and Management and Great Success."
12:00-13:00Lunch: Conference Center - Ontario Ballroom
13:00Bus depart for University Of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus College Of Business Administration, Commerce and Finance Building
13:30-14:30Using Technology to Enhance the IAJBS Network: Room - CF 214
 Dr. Gregory W. Ulferts, Professor, University Of Detroit Mercy
 Mr. James H. Colin , President/CEO.
 Mr. David Mackey, Director Of Interactive Services Colin Communications, Inc.
14:30-15:00Coffee Break
15:00Bus Depart for DailmerChrysler Corporation
15:30-17:30Dailmer Chrysler Corporation Automobile Manufacturing Plant Tour
17:30Bus Depart
18:00Social Event/Dinner: Greg and Susan Ulferts' Home - Maps Available
21:00Bus Depart
21:30Hospitality Suite: Holiday Inn Fairlane - Suite 624
  • Please Join us for Conversation and and relaxation.

Tuesday, June 26, 2001


7:30Bus Transportation to University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus
8:00Please note that these are departure times.
 Busses depart from both the Holiday Inn Fairlane and the University Of Detroit Mercy  McNichols Campus (Please come to the Livernois Guard Gate to board the bus)
8:00-8:30Mass: University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus Chapel 
8:00-9:00Continental Breakfast: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom
9:00-10:15Technology and Its Impact in the Global Economy
 Reverend James Spillane, S.J., center for Tourism Research and Development, Sanata Dharma University.
 Mr. Steven C. Hanson, Business Development Manager, Gedas, Inc. " Technology: The Enabler "
 Mr. John Brunet, President Of U.S. Midwest Region - Information Solutions, EDS " Integrating Technology  into the Business Environment."

Mr. Luiz Paulo Bignetti, Dean Of Business, Unisinos " The Innovation Process Of  Knowledge Based  Organizations."

10:15-11:15Coffee Break: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom.
 Manistee CAsia Delegates
 Ontario BallroomIndia Delegates
 Manistee DLatin America Delegates
 Manistee EEurope and Africa Delegates
 Huron - BallroomUnited States Delegates.
 Each region should should be prepared to report on activities and issues at the Business Meeting
11:15-12:15Best Practices in Technology Curricula and Research 
 Please note that these are current sessions
 Conference Center - Huron Ballroom
 Dr. Jesus Tricas, Dean, Faculty Of Economics, IQS, Istikut Quimic de Sarria
 Dr. Danniel Shoemaker, Professor Of Computer Information Systems and Mr. Antonio Drommi , Instructional Technology Coordinator University Of Detroit Mercy  " CIS Curriculum Design"

 Dr. Vladen Jovanovich, Professor Of Computer Information System, University Of Detroit Mercy " ISO Standards "
 Conference Center: Ontario Ballroom
 Reverend louis Xavier, S.J., Director, Loyola Institute Of Business Administration.
 Dr. Nenad Jukic, Professor Of Information System and Operations Management at Loyola University - Chicago " Data Warehousing"
 Dr. Mohan Subramaniam, Professor at Wallace E. Carroll School Of Management, Boston College " Technology and Development : Impact on Developing Countries." 
 Marion Hall - Educational Instructional Lab
 Joseph Philip, Director , Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship.
 J. Patrick O' Brien, Dean Of College Of Business Administration, Loyola University New Orelans "Using Blackboard."
Presentation (Power Point)

12:15-12:30Welcome: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom 
 Charles Currie, S.J., President Of the Association Of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
12:30-13:30Business Meeting: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom
 Executive Committee Report
 Dr. Gregory W. Ulferts, Professor, College Of Business Administration, 
 University  Of Detroit Mercy
 IAJBS President
 Regional Reports
  • Representatives

IAJBS Project for Consideration

 Dr. Thomas Bausch, Professor, College Of Business Administration , 
 Marquette University
 IAJBS Executive Director 
13:30Buses Depart for Henry Ford Museum
14:00-17:00Henry Ford Museum
  • Please note that this is a self-directed tour.
  •  Each delegate will be given a $ 12.00 voucher. This voucher can be used for food and other purchases.
17:00Bus Depart
17:00-18:00Hotel Break
18:00Bus Transportation to University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus
18:30 Please note that these are departure times.
  • Buses depart from both the Holiday Inn Fairlane and the University Of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus (Please come to the Livernois Guard Gate to board the bus)
18:30Social Event/ Dinner/Entertainment
  • Dinner is planned for 19:00
  • Entertainment is planned to begin at 20:15 
 " Step Dancing : Detroit Style "
 DancerZeta Phi Beta Sorority
 CoordinatorMs. Thelizia McElroy
 ChereographyMr. Steven Miller
 :" Motown Music Review"
 Entertainers: Hot Ice.
22:00Buses Depart
22:30Hospitality Suite: Holiday Inn Fairlane - Suite 624.
 Please join us for conversation and relaxation

Wednesday, June 27, 2001


7:30Bus Transportation to University of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus
8:00Please note that these are the departure times.
  • Buses depart from Holiday Inn Fairlane and the University Of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus (Please come to the Livernois Guard Gate to board the bus.)
8:00-8:30Mass:  University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus Chapal
8:00-9:00Continental Breakfast: Conference Center - Huron Ballroom - Second Floor.

IAJBS Registration

 University Of Detroit Mercy Outer Drive Campus
 Conference Center - Huron Ballroom
  • Please note that this room is located on the north side of the second floor.
  • Please ask to be shown the Center For Computer and Internet Usage.


 Dr. Michael Whittty, Professor, University Of Detroit Mercy
 Mr. Bob King, International Vice President of the United Auto Workers " Social and Economic Justice in a Global Economy : Labor's Perspective "
 Reverend Eliseo R. Mercado, Jr., OMI, President, Notre Dame University " Labor Solidarity in the Global Economy : Perspective from the Third World Countries "


 Reverend Romuald D'Souza, S.J., Director, Goa Institute Of Management
 Mr. Michael J.Wilson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, World Class Technologies, Inc." Preparing Leaders for a Knowledge Driven Organization."
10:45-11:00Coffee Break

Technology Culture and the Human Condition: Implications to a Network of Jesuit Business Schools

 Dr. Edwin P. Bernal, Dean Faculty Of Business, Ateneo de Nago
 Reverend John M. Staudenmaier, S.J., Professor Of History, university Of Detroit Mercy 
 Dr. Peter John Opio, Dean, Faculty Of Business Administration and Management, Ugandan Martyrs University " A Response and Perspective from Uganda"

Future Cooperative Directions for the IAJBS

 Dr. Thomas Bausch, Professor, College Of Business Administration,  Marquette University IAJBS Executive Director
 Please see May  1, 2001 Newsletter on the IAJBS Website


 Supply Chain Monitoring.
 Effective Lobbying for Uniform Regulations
 Grant Writing Seminars.
 Promotion Of a Business Person for Sainthood
 Distance Executive Education
 Business Programming Where Jesuit Education Does Not Exist
 Ph.D. Education.
 Building a Jesuit Inter-Institution World Class Database.
 Poverty Awareness Program
 International Social Services
 International Joint MBA Program