AM / PMArriving in Yogyakarta
Checking into the Radisson Hotel and the Guest House
13:00-16:00 Hospitality suite - Radisson Hotel (under T.A. Bausch's name)

Mass Concelebration presided by His Eminence Julius Cardinal

Darmaatmadja, S.J. in the campus chapel


Opening General Session

Welcoming Addresses from:

  • Mr. Emmanuel Sumardjono, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
  • Dr. Thomas A.Bausch, Executive Director of IABDDJI
  • Rev. Michael Sastrapratedja, S.J., President of Sanata Dharma University
  • Ir. Soetoyo Tjokrodihardjo, Coordinator of the Coordination of Private Higher Learning Institution

Keynote Address:

  •  Introduction by Rev. Michael Sastrapratedja, S.J.
  • His Eminence Julius Cardinal Darmaatmadja, S.J.Opening "Gong"
  • His Eminence Julius Cardinal Darmaatmadja, S.J.
18:30-19:30         Welcoming Dinner

Discussion of Cardinal's Presentation

  • Overview of the Conference by Dr. Thomas A. Bausch, Executive Director and Mr. Emmanuel Sumardjono, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
  • Presentation of Memorandum of Agreement to Start our Organization (no discussion, only presentation and answering questions of fact)
  • Dr. Thomas A. Bausch, Executive Director, IABDDJI

Brief Presentation of Loring Proposal from Recife Meeting

  • Brief Presentation of Loring Proposal from Recife Meeting
20:30Adjourn for the day

SUNDAY, 30 JULY  1995

06:00-07:00 Mass (optional)
07:00-07:45           Breakfast

Second General Session - Professional Education in Business in the Jesuit Context

  • Chair, Rev. Theo. Gieles, S.J., Dean, Economics Faculty, Sanata Dharma University
  • Rev. Vincent Duminuco, S.J., Secretary for Education, General Curia of the Society of Jesus "The Congregation: Implications for Professional Education in Business in a Jesuit Context"
  • Rev. William J. Byron, S.J., Professor of Management, School of Business, Georgetown University. "Professional Education for the Vocation of Business in a Jesuit University"
09:15-09:45 Break

Third General Session - Jesuit Institutions in Service to Each Other

  • Chair, Rev. Gorgonio Esquerra, S.J., Dean, Ateneo de Davao University, Manila, Philippines
  • Rev. Jaime Loring, S.J., Director de Relaciones Exteriores, Escuela Superior de Tecnica Empresarial Agraria, Cordoba, Spain. "Continuation of a Modest Proposal" Rev. E. Abraham, S.J., Joint Director, Academy of Human Resources Development, Ahmedabad, India. "Jesuit Institutions in Service to Each Other: Perspectives from India" Rev. Theodoro P.S. Peters, S.J., Reitor, and MI. Erhard Cholewa, Vice President, Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco -UNICAP, Recife, Brazil, "Jesuit Institutions in       Service to Each Other : Perspectives from Brazil"

First Workshop Sessions 1.A. Jesuit Institutions in Service to Each Other A Concrete Proposal

  • Chair: Father Gorgonio Esquerra, S.J., Secretary, Father Joseph Arroyo, S.J., Associate Dean, St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA 1.B. The Role of Technology in Building Our Network
  • Chair: Dr. Russel Boisjoly, Dean, School of Business, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA 1.C. Doing Our Scholarship Jointly and Out of the Mission of Our Institutions
  • Chair: Dr. Ernest J. Scialberg, Dean, Graduate School of Business Administration, Fordham University, New York, New York, USA and Dr. Guido de Brabander, Dean, Faculty of Applied economics, UFSIA, Antwerp, Belgium 1.D. Effective Alumni and Business Community Interaction : A Global Dimension
  • Chair: Dr. John Burbridge, Associate Dean, Sellinger School of Business and Management, Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 1.E. The Role of Schools of Business in the Education and Formation of Current and Active Managers and Business Leaders
  • Chair : Dr. Jose Maria Echevema, Vice President, Universidad De Deusto, San Sebastian, Spain
12:30-13:30Lunch and Free Time

Fourth General Session - Curricular Issues Specific to Professional Education for Business in a Jesuit Context

  • Chair : Dr. Gregory W. Ulferts, Dean, College of Business Administration, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • Dr. Michael Naughton, Assistant Professor of Theology and Management, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, Dr. Thomas A. Bausch, Executive Director, IABDDJI, "Report on a Survey of Business Schools on Catholic Campuses
  • Dr. David Lutz, Visiting Fellow, Center for Christian Social Thought and Management, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. "Management as Profession and Vocation in the context of Catholic Social Thought"
  • Dr. Helen Alfords, PhD, Visiting Fellow, Center for Christian Social Thought and Management, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA "The Ethics and Morality of Technology of Business"
  • Dr. Gregory W. Ulferts, Dean, College of Business Administration, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Michigan, USA. "Issues of Articulation"
15:00-15:15    Break

Second Workshop Sessions 2.A.  Articulating Cumcula for Exchange of Students and Other Forms of Cooperation

  • Chair : Dr. Gregory W. Ulferts, Dean, College of Business Administration, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Michigan, USA 2.B.   Faculty Exchange Programs
  • Chair : Dr. Camille P. Schuster, College of Business    Administration, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 2.C.  Communication and Enrichment within the Jesuit Network - Newsletter or Journal or Something In Between and a Comprehensive Directory and Database
  • Chair : Dr. John T. Wholihan, Dean, College of Business Administration, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA 2.D. Continue 1.A. "Jesuit Institutions in Service to Each Other" 2.E.   Role of Jesuit Business Schools in Economic Development
  • Chair : Erio Klein, Universidade Do Valle Do Rio Dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
  • Industry Clusters
  • Cooperatives
  • Other
16:30-17:00Free time
17:00-18:00  Dinner
18:00-19:00 Trip to Prambanan
19:00-21:00Watching the Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan
21:00-21:30Returning to hotel