
42nd Annual Society for Case Research/ Global Jesuit Case Series Summer Workshop
Date: July 28-29, 2020

Case submission deadline extended to

July 17
Venue: Virtual



Due to Covid-19 this year's workshop will be held virtually. 


This year’s workshop will be held on entirely online through Zoom on Tuesday, July 28, and Wednesday, July 29, 2020! As with past workshops, this year’s event will be a great opportunity for you to receive feedback from other case writers about your cases, critical incidents, and embryo cases. The only difference will be that it will be held entirely online, and sessions will be recorded for later review by participants.


Also part of this summer’s workshop will be our popular case writers bootcamp program, to be held immediately preceding the regular workshop sessions on Monday, July 27, 2020. Led by instructors with years of experience as case writers and editors of case journals, the case writers bootcamp will help those new to case study research and writing (as well as those wanting a “refresher” on the subject!) refine their ideas into case studies that can be effectively used in the classroom and pass through the peer-review process toward publication in case journals.


Although we welcome submissions of any sort usually associated with case studies and case teaching, given the current challenges facing our society today, we would like to specifically invite work on the theme of operating in a time of crisis and pandemic. Case studies, critical incidents, case embryos (case ideas in the earliest stages of development), as well as panel discussions, on responses to crisis and challenge will be of particular interest. Also, because so many of us have had to abruptly switch to working remotely (through technologies such as Zoom), work on case research, writing, and teaching in the current environment will also be welcome.


If you would like to submit a case, critical incident, case embryo, or an idea of a panel discussion to the workshop, the submission deadline is Friday, July 17, 2020. The workshop registration fee is $90, which covers activities on July 28 and July 29; the case writers bootcamp on Monday, July 27, is an additional $10.