
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) dedicated to the publication and distribution of scholarly work with a focus on the distinctiveness of business education in the Jesuit tradition. 

Editorial Board

  • Nicholas J.C. Santos, S.J., Ph.D., Senior Editor
    Creighton University, Omaha, NE
    Email: [email protected]
  • Joan L. Lee, Ph.D., Editor
    Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT
    Email: [email protected]
  • Patricia G. Martinez, Ph.D., Editor
    Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
    Email: [email protected]
  • Molly B. Pepper, Ph.D., Editor
    Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
    Email: [email protected]
Call for Papers

Articles appearing in JJBE proceed through a two-stage blind peer review and editorial review process.  First, the anonymized manuscript is reviewed by two expert reviewers.  The reviewers return their reviews to the Senior Editor who then forwards the reviews to the Editorial Board which consists of the Senior Editor and two Co-Editors.  The Editorial Board then decides if the manuscript will be accepted or rejected, or if it needs to be revised and resubmitted.  

Click to Download Style Guidelines

Click to Download Editorial Policies and Guidelines


Please send your completed paper to Nicholas Santos, Senior Editor of JJBE at [email protected].

Order Print Versions of the Journal

Current and past journals are available in print 

  • Hard Copy:  Current and all past issues of JJBE are available in hard copy ($25 per copy plus shipping, or $15 per copy for orders of 10 or more copies, plus shipping)