Discussion: Outcome Desired
- A challenge to business educators to understand and help solve the problems of the marginalized.
19:45 - 20:00      Break
19:30 - 21:30Presidential Opening Banquet - IC Restaurant
Host and Chairman: Dr. Tom Bausch
Presidential Challenge: Rev. Gorgonio Esguerra, S.J.
 -  Recognition of Representative from World Alumni Union
 -  Meal and Fellowship
21:30              Board Meeting - Location: Library

Thursday, January 14, 1999

7:30 - 18:00 Demonstration of Technology (Throughout the day.)
Dr. Allen Gray, Loyola Marymount University Outcome Desired: L A common base for understanding the technology necessary for us to work together.
7:00 Mass at International Center Library for those that desire.
Location: Library
7:30 - 8:30  Breakfast
7:30 - 8:30 

Early Bird Optional Case Discussion over Breakfast
Location: Carry breakfast into the bar area.

Tom Bausch needs the help of those interested in applying

Catholic Social Thought to actual decision making.
He is working with a group in Milwaukee that is considering establishing a Mutual Fund that will screen its investments for conformance with Catholic Teachings, Catholic Social Thought in particular.
What should be the elements of such a screen? Is there a market for such a fund
(or money management) and, if so, can we specify it?
Outcome desired:- Help for Tom as he advises the company.
- Generation of ideas on how we can work together to help business to use Catholic social thought.
8:30 - 9:30Plenary Session on Values in Business and Economics
Location: Conference Hall B
Chair: Dr. Margarita Prat, Dean, ICADE, Madrid, Spain
Workshop on the Frontiers of Ethical and Spirituality Issues

- Conference Room B

On the Frontiers of Ethical and Christian Issues

Chair: Father Jerry Cavanaugh, S.J., University of Detroit Mercy

Rev. James Spillane, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia “The Role of the Business School in Preparing Professionals for an Ethical and Authentically Human Tourism Industry."

Rev. Gerald Cavanaugh, S.J., "Update on the State of Codes of Conduct     

- The Role of Our Business Schools''

Dr. Peter Kozlowski, Forschungsinstitut fur Philosophie, Germany "Speculation and Insider Trading: "A Challenge in the Teaching of Business Ethics.” Speaker from India TBA "Ethical Issues of Technology in Developing Countries: India"

 Outcomes Desired:

-Projects for the practical application of ethics in education and in research in our business schools.

13:00 - 14:30  Lunch and Free Time
14:30 - 15:45 Interaction with students of GIM about their perceptions concerning Management Education - Hall A
Chair: Father Romuald D'Souza. S.J.
15:45 - 16:15  Break
16:15 - 17:45Proposal for a Conference on Using Information for Collaboration
Hall B
Chair: Dr. Allen Gray, Loyola Marymount University
For the past three years the Forum has heard proposals forconducting collaborative educational programs.

While concrete progress has been made, further advancement will not take place without, first, the involvement of those individuals who will haveto implement programs and, second, an institution taking a leadership role - that is, the faculty. LMU is proposing to conduct a conference for faculty from the Association's member institutions.

The conference objective will be to develop specific courses, seminars, workshops and other programs that have been identified prior to the Conference as useful to the member institutions. The week long conference that is being considered would bring together two groups of faculty. First, there would be four or five groups of faculty focused on specific educational projects that would be inter institutional. Prior to the meeting theywould decide on learning objectives for the project.
8:00 - 10:15The Competitive Advantage of Central Cities - Hall B
-Chair: Dr. Greg Ulferts
-Presentation: His Honor, John Norquist, Mayor, City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
This session is an attempt to use technology. We had originally scheduled Michael Porter and he had agreed but he then found it necessary to withdraw. We will use a video tape of a program he gave in Detroit on the Competitive Advantage of Cities.
In addition we will use in this session an interview with Mayor John Norquist of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who is one the leading mayors in the United States. This will be followed by two-way phone interaction with the Mayor. This will be followed by a discussion on the implications of all of this for the Third World countries. Is New Mumbai an indication that the type of suburbanization that has destroyed US cities is happening here?
Outcome desired for these sessions on urban development is an   understanding of the issues and directions for our institutions. Jesuit educational institutions have a long history of being in urban areas and committed to them. What does it mean for business schools?
10:15 - 10:45Break
10:45 - 11:45 

Response to Norquist and Porter Implications for Jesuit Business Schools

-Chair: Gregory W. Ulferts, University of Detroit Mercy Dr. Ulferts, 'VSA Perspective"

-Dr. de Brabander, UFSIA, Antwerp, Belgium, "European Perspective"

-Rev. Gonzalo Arroyo, S.J., “Latin American Perspective "

-TBA: "Asian Perspective"

-Rev. Michael V.d. Boagaert, S.J., "A Rural Perspective"

12:00 - 13:15    

Models of Student and Faculty Exchange Chair: Catherine McNamee, CSJ, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN

-Rev. Romauld D'Souza, S.J., Dr. Guido de Brabander, and Students "A Model for Exchange between Developed and Developing Countries - the UFSIAI Goa Institute of Management Experience"

-Rev. Fernando de la Iglesia, S.J., Universidad de Deusto, San Sebastian, Spain (Others TBA) “Our Greatest Challenge - Making Faculty Exchange Work"

Outcomes desired:

- Update on what has been learned and what the schools are doing.

- Suggestions of results from the project that we might convert into educational activities using technology.

- Conclusions about what has been learned about Interinstitutional cooperation and implications for members of the Association from both AUSJAL and other regions.

9:45- 10:15   Break
10:15 - 11:30

Research in Jesuit Institutions   

Chair:Dr.Guido de Brabander, Former Dean and Professor, UFSIA, Antwerp, Belgium, Past Resident, IAJBS

-Dr.de Brabander, 'Update on State of Research in Jesuit Institutions" 

-Rev.Michael V.D.Boagaert, S.J., 'Results of Research on Management as a Tool to Alleviate Poverty in Rural India"

-Mr. Prasad Chacko, Behavioural Science Centre, and Dr. Vijay Parmar,  

Unit for Entrepreneurship and Development, St. Xavier's College,

Ahmadabad, India, “Entrepreneurship and Development research in India."

Outcomes Desired:

-Identification of potential cooperative research opportunities for Jesuit Institutions.

-A deeper understanding of the research being done in India and the implications for developed country business education and research.

-Identification of potential projects using the power of technology.    

11:30 - 11:45    Break
11:45 - 13:00Business Meeting
13:00 Concluding Lunch
13:00 - 14:00   Board Meeting