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Teaching Notes
Este caso retoma la historia del científico sudcoreano Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, quien en el año 2004 alcanzó fama mundial por su investigación en la clonación de células madre de embriones humanos.
Recaudo Bogotá S.A.S es la empresa que ganó la concesión para realizar tres importantes componentes dentro del Sistema de Transporte Público de Bogotá (SITP): el recaudo de los pasajes a través d
El caso plantea la necesidad de tomar una decisión con respecto a qué acción legal debía emprender una asociación civil mexicana para recuperar el pago acumulado atrasado y presente de parte de u
Alejandro García era un empresario que en 2007 comenzó un negocio de entrenamiento de corredores en Querétaro, México. A inicios de 2016 era su fuente de ingresos más representativa.
Authentic Lyon era una tienda de saldos de ropa ubicada en las Plazas Outlet en Jalisco, México, que luego de tres años de operación seguía generando más gastos que utilidades.
Este caso trata de la decisión que, en junio de 2014, debía tomar Patricia Chicas Sierra, gerente y dueña de la empresa La Ardilla Roja, S.A.S., de importar asadores tipo A de Canadá o Estados Un
A comienzos del año 2014, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Colombia en conjunto con el Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario giraron recursos financieros para la
This paper is intended to help faculty develop cases that are more than classroom exercises.
In 1849, parishioners of the Chicago, Illinois, German United Evangelical Reformed Lutheran Church began burying their beloved dead in the adjacent St. Johannes Cemetery.
Sue Smith was a board member of Midwestern Community Credit Union (MCCU) in 2013, when short-term interest rates were near zero due to an easy Federal Reserve monetary policy following the 2007-2
For nearly a century, the men’s shaving products market was dominated by two brands-Gillette and Schick. and Dollar Shave Club (DSC) disrupted this quiet market in 2011.
This decision-based case is concerned with the proposed acquisition agreement of The Valspar Corporation by The Sherwin-Williams Company.
In 2015, Ohio’s Governor Kasich proposed a budget that would reduce the state’s income tax for both businesses and individual taxpayers.
River Region Animal League, a not-for-profit organization, has experienced tremendous growth during the period covered in the case.
This case involves a dilemma faced by a professor, Dr. Bethany Locasta, in assigning grades to a student, Brock, who departed a study abroad program early because of a family emergency. Dr.
This case concerns a local entrepreneur’s decision to either expand his product line by reselling another company’s product, Nature Safe, or create a new product, Healthy Garden from a mix of Nat
Before 2008, the Two-a-Day Group and other apple growers in South Africa had been successful in exporting their fruit to the EU and UK at healthy profits.
A former mutual fund chief investment officer, Mike Atherton, was concerned about the future volatility of bonds in a likely environment of rising interest rates.
This case details the early career trajectory of a recent college graduate who effectively leveraged mentoring to achieve career success.
In September 2015, CEO of Pavlovich Coachlines Ltd (PCL), Bernard Pavlovich, needed to make some significant decisions regarding his company’s future.