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Teaching Notes
Business is a field fraught with ethical and moral land mines.
El texto recoge una introducción al concepto de crowdfunding, ventajas e inconvenientes y como usarlo para la financiación de proyectos.
Shirley received a letter from the firm her husband Cliff had worked for years ago, stating that he had a one-time opportunity to receive his full retirement benefit in a single, lump-sum payment
This critical incident explores the importance of implementing a strong internal control system.
This critical incident describes a federal regulatory battle faced by Fourth Corner Credit Union.
Only a few weeks into his three-year term on the board of directors for the Oneota School for Children (OSC), Brian began to second-guess his acceptance of the role of Treasurer.
Andy Mattingly, Chief Operating Officer of the FORUM Credit Union, has been tasked with the responsibility of developing a program to attract more First-Time Homebuyers (FTHB) to choose FORUM as
Jim Foster, the owner of the Selwyn Pub in Charlotte, NC, had just been forced to cut down a signature element of his successful Pub, a 100 plus year-old tree in the middle of his outdoor patio.
Mike Wilson, accountant for Southern Hospitality Inn hotel, was pulling together the projected costs and lost operating revenues of the hotel and the adjoining restaurant, Bridgeton Kitchen, for
Ben was eager to get started on his new assignment for Northflow Solutions, Inc. His direct supervisor, Monica, had given him all of the details necessary, and he had reviewed the entire file.
Following several years of declining revenues and profits, in 2011 Sears began to hive off its business divisions.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 11 (Fall 2018). Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This case requires students to exhibit their ability to effectively communicate and request accounting information as part of an operational audit.