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Teaching Notes
National College of Ireland (NCI) is situated in the Docklands area of the North East Inner City of Dublin and, like many city Docklands, the area has been redeveloped over the past 15 years as a
Using qualitative data drawn from over 300 student reflections, this study explored the influence of the lgnatian pedagogical paradigm (IPP) and project based academic service-learning (ASL) on
This article examines the potential for Laudato Si' to play a more formative role in Jesuit business education and describes a course that puts Laudato Si' into action.
Recent ethical lapses by leaders in business and the public sector suggest that there stilt is more to do in terms of developing ethical leadership.
Two hundred years ago, 85 percent of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty; today that figure is less than 15 percent (Mackey and Sisodia, 2013).
Demographic and market conditions have resulted in severe shortages of terminal degree-holding candidates for faculty appointments at many AACSB- accredited institutions, including those sponsore
Welcome to Volume 8 of the Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE), the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
This paper contributes to Father Pedro Arrupe’s (1973) call to the Jesuit educational apostolate to consider new analytical tools and approaches to help dismantle social injustice in our world.
What does the politics of anger and cynicism that characterizes the 2016 U.S. presidential primary have to do with big business?
Catholic Universities frequently seek to anchor students’ educational experience in the spiritual charism of a founding religious order (Wilcox et al., 2013).
Welcome to Volume 6 of the Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE). On this ve-year anniversary of the launch of the Journal, we pause to consider our brief history.
Colleges of Business at Jesuit universities strive to be the best.
In 2007, our university signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment agreement. At the time, that organization comprised fewer than two dozen schools; now it has hundreds.
What is the proper role of business leaders with regard to sustainability? In this paper, we dialectically bring the disciplines of economics and philosophy to bear on this question.
Faculty members across the academy regularly use rubrics for assessing a variety of student work. Such assessments and rubrics are inherently based on the pedagogy employed by the educators.
Few challenges are as formidable as trying to reconcile ethically responsible behavior with the bottom line. Is there a relationship between ethical business practices and business performance?
Despite the widespread use of case studies in business schools, an important aspect of learning from experiences remains underdeveloped: learning from the case study that is one’s own individual
The effectiveness of an education at a Jesuit business school may be measured in several ways. This paper will address two of these measures: Sabbath and Charism.
Teaching business ethics has never been the easiest of “jobs,” but the past five years have shown yet again how necessary business ethics education is.
Four themes have dominated Jesuit life, mission, and education since St.