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We are proud to say that the first special issue of the Business Case Journal (BCJ, Volume 31, Issue 2) was published in Winter of 2024.
We are very excited to announce that the response to the special issue has been overwhelming and we ended up with three peer-reviewed cases, one peer-reviewed journal article, and six more invited
This article provides an update to the Business Case Journal
The ability to tell stories has been identified as a “universal human trait” that exists in various forms within all cultures in the world (Yong, 2017, p. 2).
This article traverses the evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the U.S. general public and focuses on higher education.
As this issue rolls off the press, the annual conferences of the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) and the Colleagues of Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) have chosen pe
Informed by Laudato Si’, An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education recognizes business as a noble vocation.
Gerald F. Cavanagh, S.J., the Charles T. Fisher III Chair of Business Ethics at University of Detroit Mercy (UDM), died on November 8, 2022, at the age of 91.
We need a new paradigm in Business Education that responds to the societal challenges we are facing and the hungers of our students.
This case is about Land O’Lakes President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Beth Ford and her company’s decision to stop using Mia, a Native American woman, on its butter packaging.
This case describes a marketing decision faced by Stuart Schuette, CEO and president of American Tire Distributors (ATD).
This case describes five distinct periods in Sun King Brewery’s distribution history. The Indianapolis brewer experienced explosive growth since opening in 2009.
This paper aims to describe how sustainability can be introduced in a core Operations and Supply Chain Management (SCM) course.
The white paper An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education was the springboard for a reinvigorated Strategy course, which combined the traditional tools of strategic management with
In response to calls from leaders in Jesuit business education, Accounting faculty from across the globe have joined to reimagine introductory Accounting courses.
In this article, we present the results of an evaluation of a new paradigm for the undergraduate “Introduction to Management” course.
“Cura personalis” is considered a hallmark of Jesuit education.
The “Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education” presents a vision for the future of business education, and the transformative effect it should have on our students and on society.
This case study frames Loyola University Chicago, Quinlan School of Business’ mission-based response to the shifting market in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program.
Changing the curriculum is not a task that most business schools would call “easy.” Yet curricular revision is more important than ever, as the need for social change — and the need for forward-t