Jerry Cavanagh, S.J.: An Appreciation

North America
Ethics & Social Justice
7 pages
Jerry Cavanagh
Business Ethics
University of Detroit Mercy
Copyright Holder
Colleagues in Jesuit Business Association
Student Price
Target Audience
Gerald F. Cavanagh, S.J., the Charles T. Fisher III Chair of Business Ethics at University of Detroit Mercy (UDM), died on November 8, 2022, at the age of 91. Jerry, as he was universally known, was perhaps the foremost advocate for the teaching of business ethics and social responsibility in American Jesuit universities over the past 50 years. His influence and inspiration were extensive, and he will be missed by so many whose lives he touched. To me and to many readers of this journal, Jerry was much more – a faithful friend, a source of inspiration, a champion who believed we are engaged in truly important work, and a truth-teller who reminded us that we still have a long way to go.