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In September 2015, CEO of Pavlovich Coachlines Ltd (PCL), Bernard Pavlovich, needed to make some significant decisions regarding his company’s future.
Mike Kramer, the CEO of HaylioMed, led his small technology firm for over a decade, during which time it had become the market leader in the provision of a complex Enterprise Software System for
This case study introduces Perry Pallet, a small pallet manufacturer created to pursue sustainability within an industry that was going through a rapid sustainability-related transformation.
Trevor, a recent MBA graduate, was able to secure promising interviews with two companies. Following his interview with the first company, Trevor was offered a job.
The idea of establishing an IAJBS journal focusing on global sustainability emerged the following year at the end of the 2010 World Forum at Ateneo de Manila University.
This article examines Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato si’, from the perspective of a spirituality of presence, which it relates to resiliency, or the ability of organizations to respond
In a world greatly in need of healing, today’s leaders acting as shamans could potentially bring the shaman’s ancient wisdom to the effort to create a more sustainable, just, and equitable world.
This study explores a management education model to help integrate sustainable development ideas into university curricula and programs.
A sufficient response to the threats posed by climate change presents a leadership challenge proportional in scale with the urgency and complexity of wartime mobilization.
This case discusses the fallout over an exemption to a city’s municipal livable wage ordinance (LWO) that was granted to The Skinny Pancake crepe restaurant after it was awarded a 5-year exclusiv
It was budget time and Maria, the CEO of the YWCA of White Plains and Central Westchester (YW), was once again facing the issue of how she was going to explain declining revenue numbers and negat
In September of 2016, Heather Bresch, the Chief Executive Officer of Mylan, was called to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, part of the U. S. Congress.
Michael was uncertain whether a bike-share or rental program in any format was feasible on the ISU campus.
“Boycott Chipotle: My Farm is Not Dangerous” one blogger’s headline read (Schmidt 2014).
A top accounting student was struggling with the concept of capital leases versus operating leases.
The lack of practical late-night dining options had been a huge void on the Cliffside campus, a smaller, residential campus of Northern University.
Deutsche Telekom, a German listed company had proposed to merge its wholly-owned subsidiary T-Mobile USA with MetroPCS, a U.S. listed wireless services provider.
Grey is a relatively new zone sales manager in the Colorado Springs sales branch of a mainframe computer company.
The church finance team co-chair was asked by the head pastor to spearhead a review of a job description for an office administrator.
Caribou Mountain Credit Union (CM CU) once offered its own credit card to its members.