Laudato Si’ and a Spirituality of Resiliency

This article examines Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato si’, from the perspective of a spirituality of presence, which it relates to resiliency, or the ability of organizations to respond to current or emerging crises. This spirituality consists of two dimensions: the prophetic and the contemplative. This article explores both dimensions and demonstrates their application in a business context. In addition, an important part of a spirituality of presence is Sabbath, which allows for the rest and re-centering of the individual and organization. Once “frenetic activity” ceases, both the leader and the organization can begin the work of anticipating, preparing for, and responding to crises. The focus of this article, therefore, is on the person of the business leader and how he or she might prepare for resiliency individually and then lead an organization through a crisis. The particular crisis the article is concerned with is environmental deterioration as treated in the papal encyclical.