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Engage your students with stories of resilience, strength and empowerment as told by direct selling women in Thailand.
This video is a condensed version of a live presentation on diversity, equity, and inclusion given by Mona Ameli, CEO and Managing Partner of Ameli Global Partnerships.
The Joni Rogers-Kante & SeneGence case touches on topics of skyrocketing growth, the operational and leadership shifts that accompany such growth, industry ethics, home-based business, family
Tastefully Simple: A New Recipe for Success follows the story of a woman-owned, direct selling organization along its upward trajectory of growth, followed by an 11-year period of declining reven
No business is immune to the massive changes resulting from COVID-19, but leaders who develop an entrepreneurial mindset - from executives to their independent salesforce - prove agile at adaptin
This course gives students the chance to develop their knowledge and thinking about entrepreneurial opportunities by applying marketing concepts to the specific challenges of the small business,
This is an introductory Entrepreneurship course for those contemplating an Entrepreneurship major and minor with an opportunity to vie for a business loan to start a businesson campus.
This course is structured to present you with the basic principles and practices of sales management and direct selling.Students will be exposed to the multi-faceted nature of the sales manager’s
El caso se desarrolla en el año 2013 en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, y hace referencia a la empresa Confecciones Juanita S.A.S. dedicada a la confección de textiles. El Sr.
Fabrizio Pampini, propietario de Industrias Pampini, luego de haber entregado en sucesión la empresa a sus hijos, decidió regresar a tomar el mando por una serie de acontecimientos propiciados po
Terencio vivía en Roma y tenía una finca de su propiedad en Ostia, pero dejó de ir por problemas económicos.
Recaudo Bogotá S.A.S es la empresa que ganó la concesión para realizar tres importantes componentes dentro del Sistema de Transporte Público de Bogotá (SITP): el recaudo de los pasajes a través d
Este caso trata de la decisión que, en junio de 2014, debía tomar Patricia Chicas Sierra, gerente y dueña de la empresa La Ardilla Roja, S.A.S., de importar asadores tipo A de Canadá o Estados Un
The Connie Tang & Princess House case touches on topics of crisis management, community, the direct selling business model, the Hispanic market, leadership, childhood and adult influences and
This case profiles Cutco and Vector Marketing and the direct selling business model, which the company uses to market and sell their products directly to consumers through an independent, volunte
Two homeschooled Florida teenagers meet in a homeschool group arranged by their moms, start community college at 14 years of age and discover a shared passion for social entrepreneurship.
Video - The Cocoa Exchange: A Case Study on Market Expansion and Sustainability
Written Case - The Cocoa Exchange: A Sweet Spot in the Supply Chain