Breaking Eggs: Direct Selling and the Evolving Role of Women in the Thai Economy

Dr. Lou Pelton
Asia - Pacific
Ethics & Social Justice
Marketing & Sales
1 page
direct selling
Women In Business
women's studies
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

Engage your students with stories of resilience, strength and empowerment as told by direct selling women in Thailand.

Breaking Eggs, a docufilm co-created by DSEF Fellow Dr. Lou Pelton and Dr. Waros Ngamsiriudom in partnership with DSEF and the Thai Direct Selling Association (TDSA), captures the impact of the direct selling channel on the evolving role of women in the Thailand economy. The overarching goal of this project is to show how women’s involvement in the economy, through micro-entrepreneurship, leads to a better quality of life for families and communities. 

"The intent of Breaking Eggs is to explore issues like women empowerment, retail channels and social responsibility," says Lou. "In this living case and docufilm, we specifically examine how Thai women have overcome longstanding market challenges to succeed in the direct selling channel. Cast against the global attention afforded to human trafficking, domestic violence and injustices for women, access to opportunity is limited for women in many markets."
This video project was supported by a generous grant from the G. Brint Ryan College of Business and the Charn Uswachoke International Development Fund, and a small grant from the Direct Selling Education Foundation's International Grant Fund.

DSEF would like to recognize and thank Dr. Pelton, Dr. Ngamsiriudom, our friends and colleagues at TDSA, and the trailblazing women of direct selling in Thailand.

Watch the full video here:

Learning Outcomes

Breaking Eggs can easily complement courses or class discussions on business ethics, entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, marketing channels, personal identity and humanity, philosophy and feminism, retailing, or women’s studies. Students might discuss how direct selling channels have provided access and opportunity to the women in Thailand.