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Teaching Notes

This paper aims to present how an MBA Quantitative Methods and Statistical Analysis course could serve as a model of experiential learning for graduate students.
This decision-based case is concerned with the proposed acquisition agreement of The Valspar Corporation by The Sherwin-Williams Company.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
Faculty at Jesuit institutions may understand the fundamental drivers of a Jesuit education.
In Spring 2015, a three-member team comprised of two business faculty and the Director for the Center for Mission and Identity from a Midwest Jesuit university designed an international immersion
We envision and propose a Jesuit “knowledge network” to facilitate the work of building a transformative Jesuit business education through vibrant and ongoing global dialogue.
Reflection is a fundamental component of Ignatian pedagogy linking action and experience to learning. Developing skills of reflection will support students’ current learning.
This paper makes a case for expanding the role of the imagination in whole person education. Imagination, grounded in faith, serves the promotion of justice.
This paper contributes to Father Pedro Arrupe’s (1973) call to the Jesuit educational apostolate to consider new analytical tools and approaches to help dismantle social injustice in our world.
The aim of this article is to familiarize readers with and further explore the Society of Jesus’ (Jesuit) university mission, as well as identify its key challenges and prior- ities.
Research shows that Millennial students learn differently (Rivera and Huertas, 2006, Pinder-Grover and Groscurth, 2009, Novotney, 2010, Bart, 2011, Nevid, 2011).
What does the politics of anger and cynicism that characterizes the 2016 U.S. presidential primary have to do with big business?
In 2015, Ohio’s Governor Kasich proposed a budget that would reduce the state’s income tax for both businesses and individual taxpayers.
River Region Animal League, a not-for-profit organization, has experienced tremendous growth during the period covered in the case.
This case involves a dilemma faced by a professor, Dr. Bethany Locasta, in assigning grades to a student, Brock, who departed a study abroad program early because of a family emergency. Dr.
This case concerns a local entrepreneur’s decision to either expand his product line by reselling another company’s product, Nature Safe, or create a new product, Healthy Garden from a mix of Nat
Before 2008, the Two-a-Day Group and other apple growers in South Africa had been successful in exporting their fruit to the EU and UK at healthy profits.
A former mutual fund chief investment officer, Mike Atherton, was concerned about the future volatility of bonds in a likely environment of rising interest rates.
This case details the early career trajectory of a recent college graduate who effectively leveraged mentoring to achieve career success.
In September 2015, CEO of Pavlovich Coachlines Ltd (PCL), Bernard Pavlovich, needed to make some significant decisions regarding his company’s future.