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Sarah started working at Icon Tattooing & Piercings to earn her license in piercing, a process that typically takes anywhere from 6 months to a year; however, the process took nearly 4 years.
This critical incident is about Stacy Flathau, Senior Director of Corporate Communications at Kellogg, and Kellogg’s foray into brand activism with its limited edition Together With Pride cereal.
This critical incident describes a legal dilemma faced by a Tim Hortons franchisee in the St. Louis metro area.
This Critical Incident requires that students identify and assess the various risks associated with a personal financial decision.
This critical incident centers on a university department chair facing an either-or personnel decision concerning two faculty members who are on annual renewable contracts.
Nancy was a student who took an exam in her university’s Testing Center because she needed extended time and a distraction-free environment.
This critical incident traces the impact of Nike’s decision to refocus its distribution strategy toward internal marketing channels.
In July 2019, a Ransomware attack on the Springhill Medical Center in Mobile, Alabama resulted in Springhill having to shut down their network for nearly eight days due to the attack.
A business partnership between pop star Rihanna and TechStyle to sell Savage X Fenty (or X Fenty) branded lingerie seemed like an ideal business start-up and sales started strong.
This critical incident is about Amir Shedyak, a supermarket Customer Service Leader, who was fired from Hannaford Supermarket by Store Manager Rolland Tessier for violating Hannaford’s safety pol
This decision-based critical incident describes Jorge’s concern about how to deal with the double bind of customer backlash caused by charging large deposits for propane tanks while facing a seve
This descriptive case discusses rebranding strategies in the quick service restaurant (QSR) industry. The case demonstrates Popeyes’ brand evolutions during changing customer expectations.
How can business be a force for good? In this episode, Conscious Capitalism Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Dr.
The SDG Dashboard is a collaborative data analytics platform designed to assist higher education institutions in reporting and sharing
The document “The Vocation of the Business Leader: A Reflection” (VBL) facilitates the understanding of the Christian leader’s role in these times characterized by serious economic disturbances a
This study reflects the necessity to incorporate spirituality into business practices while building on a foundation of responsibility and sustainability.
Research on sustainable people management has focused on the macro level, while overlooking methods to implement sustainability at the operational level, specifically, in its employee hiring proc
This study examines the challenge of “food justice” by investigating the relationships between food landscapes and the health and wellbeing of local communities in a large urban setting.
This paper argues that for wellbeing economies in a flourishing natural to develop, they need to develop new economic operating infrastructure (EOI) that is built on values that support those goa
The Joni Rogers-Kante & SeneGence case touches on topics of skyrocketing growth, the operational and leadership shifts that accompany such growth, industry ethics, home-based business, family