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For $500 million annually, Facebook contracts Accenture PLC to moderate content that violates its Terms of Service and is not caught by artificial intelligence.
Starbucks Corporation is facing a dilemma with a group of employees in Buffalo, New York attempting to form a union in response to compensation and working conditions.
Paul Jessup had just met with the technology group that would be operating in the newly spunoff Synenergy.
Two students requested their oral presentations in an Economics class be rescheduled for another day.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies - Volume 39, Issue 3. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
Untenured faculty member, Raymond Patrick, exited a meeting with Frank Burns, School of Management Assistant Director at Bay State University (BSU). Patrick had now reached a breaking point.
As Josh ate breakfast, he wondered what he was going to do about Ben, his 64-year-old longtime family friend and salesperson suffering from severe arthritis.
An American company in a verbal war with a sitting American president? Over worker apparel? In August 2020, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company faced a social media spat with a polarizing U.S.
"We were shocked," said Erica Hanner. "None of us had any idea that this was coming. It hurt a lot, honestly. I was speechless for probably 10 minutes after.
Jada Williamson had been working for Dawson Financial for the past 15 years as Director of Human Resources.
When Ann Mary Price, who was 70 years old and worked for the West Virginia State Senate, snatched a Covid-19 vaccine appointment on the first try, she was elated.
During a meeting of information security (infosec) experts, Antisnatchor attacked Azeria for tweeting photos of attendees.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 14, Issue 1. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
Fast, cheap computing is making it possible for absolute beginners to build real and impactful projects as they learn to program in Python.