
Volume 13

Journal of Jesuit Business Education Volume 13, Issue 1

Stephen J. Porth, Joan Lee, Paul F. Buller
July 26, 2022
North America
Accounting & Finance, Ethics & Social Justice, Entrepreneurship, Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education, Information Systems, Strategy & General Management, Operations
132 pages
Journal of Jesuit Business Education, journal preview, Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education
Student Price: 
$20.00 (€18.01)
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The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE). The journal is dedicated to the distribution of scholarly work and commentary with a focus on the distinctiveness of business education in the Jesuit tradition.

In this issue:

  • Editorial: The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is Now Listed in Cabells
    • Stephen J. Porth
    • Joan Lee
    • Paul F. Buller
  • An Update on the Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education Project
    • Donna Rapaccioli
  • Re-conceiving Strategic Planning to Promote the Integral Development of Persons,Organizations, and Societies: Contributions from Ignatian Spirituality
    • Christina Kheng
  • How to Be a CEO: Reading Dorothy Day’s Diaries in a Jesuit School of Management
    • Kimberly Rae Connor
  • How the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Informed Pandemic Teaching
    • Joan L. Lee
  • Seeing Things Whole
    • John McVea
    • Michael J. Naughton
  • Laudato Si’ and the Fast Fashion Supply Chain
    • Girish Shambu
  • Teaching Data for the Greater Good Utilizing the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
    • Frederick Kaefer
    • Guillermina Luz Mora
    • Ravi Nath
    • Nicholas J.C. Santos, S.J.