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On June 10, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Conde Nast magazine Bon Appétit resigned amid allegations of racial discrimination.
After a terrorist attack at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Apple received immense public pressure to comply with the FBI’s request to assist in unlocking the encrypted iPhone of the attacker.
In October 2019, Houston Rockets General Manager tweeted in support of the Hong Kong Protests. The tweet was met with outrage by the Chinese government and many Chinese fans.
2020: Writing Case Studies in Changing Times
Bradley W. Brooks, Queens University of Charlotte
Britt M. Shirley, The University of Tampa
As part of the Personal Taxation course Vivian took at her university, she was required to volunteer in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, an IRS program that funds local organiz
Tina was a student who received a grade of zero on the first assignment in a business law course.
Neely Paul was intrigued by the newspaper headline (Underwood, 2006) that accused a local business CEO of embezzling $7 million.
Instead of getting the golden parachute he was expecting, Paul Iacovacci, close to retirement at Brevet Capital Management LLC, got a pink slip and a lesson in cybersecurity.
Barney, recent accounting graduate, was employed as an internal auditor with Slate Financial Services, an investment firm.
Terrance Lau was the program manager of the Campus Network Refresh, a major program to upgrade network connectivity of the Mountainside State University (MSU).
This decision-based critical incident describes General Manager Craig Newtonberg’s inability to hire a successful mechanics department manager at Trucks Unlimited, LLC.
This CI describes the position supervisor Kevin Müller was placed in when Philipp Neumann posted “Hey Charlie Hebdo [Magazine] ...everyone pays for their crimes!
This critical incident describes an alleged discrimination incident involving Sound Credit Union (SCU), a 115,000 member, not-for-profit financial institution in Seattle, Washington.
The law provides an opportunity for people to craft the rules that control their relationships— business or otherwise. This is the essence of contract law.
This critical incident describes a situation in which two airplanes crashed within five months of each other in the Java Sea and Ethiopia, respectively.
Early in 2017, and after just six months as CEO, Tim Mohin considered options to support the recent structural changes at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the global leader in standard-sett
This is the full preview of the Winter 2020 Journal of Critical Incidents. Individual CIs with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Volume 37 Issue 3. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
For ten years now, the Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE) has been dedicated to the promotion and distribution of scholarly work and commentary with a focus on the distinctiveness of bus