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Teaching Notes
Since 2005, the nation’s top-ranked high school basketball prospects (and future NBA players) have been forced to delay their NBA draft declarations by one year.
Beginning the 2016 NFL preseason, 49ers’ quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, did not stand for the national anthem.
Larry Nassar’s conviction of first-degree sexual misconduct with young girls in USA Gymnastics raised important questions about the efforts of the USOC and affiliated organizations to keep their
Dietary supplements are a billion-dollar unregulated industry. Walgreens Boots Alliance earns millions in revenue each year in its retail pharmacies from the sale of such supplements.
The journey toward sustainability is a difficult process for a university given the complex requirements necessary for becoming sustainable.
Universities have a role in changing mindsets toward sustainable development through education, research, and extension work.
As the “trendsetter in education,” the experiments and experiences of Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies Tiruvalla (MACFAST) already show it to be an exceptional model of education, inno
The current trend of prescribing and enforcing ethical business constructs, models, and frameworks developed in and by the Global North has become a new form of paternalistic colonizing of the Gl
Upland degradation has been a growing concern in the Philippines in the wake of extensive logging and clearing in the 1970s–1980s.
The two founders of League Collegiate Outfitters [League], based in Bridgeport PA, were all-in on their attempt to launch a financially and socially responsible enterprise in El Salvador.
Cristina era profesora de una materia que tenía el propósito de incentivar la autogestión y la motivación para concluir la carrera universitaria.
En 2013 Daniela Orozco era directora General de la Fundación Punto Verde, parte de la empresa mexicana Recicla Electrónicos México, S.A. (en adelante REMSA), ubicada en Querétaro.
El 18 de septiembre de 2006 el Tribunal Penal Internacional para los crímenes cometidos en Ruanda condenó a Simon Bikindi por instigación al genocidio y declaró que a través de las canciones que
Mehdi Yasef era un joven francés de 26 años. Nació en Marsella y provenía de una familia de clase media, de origen tunecino.
Terencio vivía en Roma y tenía una finca de su propiedad en Ostia, pero dejó de ir por problemas económicos.
A mediados de 2015, Rocío Flores, una pedagoga y doctora en Educación con más de 20 años de experiencia, era titular de una línea de investigación del campus virtual en una reconocida universidad