
Primary File

Journal of Jesuit Business Education VOLUME 11

Nicholas Santos, S.J. (President), Stephen J. Porth, Ph.D. (Senior Editor), Joan Lee, Ph.D. (Editor), Paul F. Buller, Ph.D. (Editor)
August 25, 2020
Africa, Asia - Pacific, Europe, Latin & South America, North America
Ethics & Social Justice, Strategy & General Management
148 pages
disruption, Innovation, Business Ethics, Silicon Valley, Technology, Jesuit, discernment
Student Price: 
$20.00 (€18.4)
Average rating: 

In the last decade, Silicon Valley and its leading innovators were touted as creating a more enlightened and connected world through an approach to technological and business disruption summarized by the motto, “move fast and break things”. Just years later, serious ethical concerns and public backlash have emerged about the potential harm that has accompanied this culture. An Ignatian ethic of disruption, grounded in St. Ignatius of Loyola’s understanding of discernment, can provide a framework for technological and business
advances that better promote the common good and avoid unconsidered harms. Applied to Jesuit business education, a new mantra of “move thoughtfully, and lift up people” offers an ethical roadmap for a healthier disruption culture.