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Teaching Notes
Este caso trata de la decisión que, en junio de 2014, debía tomar Patricia Chicas Sierra, gerente y dueña de la empresa La Ardilla Roja, S.A.S., de importar asadores tipo A de Canadá o Estados Un
In 1849, parishioners of the Chicago, Illinois, German United Evangelical Reformed Lutheran Church began burying their beloved dead in the adjacent St. Johannes Cemetery.
Business is a field fraught with ethical and moral land mines.
National College of Ireland (NCI) is situated in the Docklands area of the North East Inner City of Dublin and, like many city Docklands, the area has been redeveloped over the past 15 years as a
Using qualitative data drawn from over 300 student reflections, this study explored the influence of the lgnatian pedagogical paradigm (IPP) and project based academic service-learning (ASL) on
This article examines the potential for Laudato Si' to play a more formative role in Jesuit business education and describes a course that puts Laudato Si' into action.
Recent ethical lapses by leaders in business and the public sector suggest that there stilt is more to do in terms of developing ethical leadership.
This case profiles Cutco and Vector Marketing and the direct selling business model, which the company uses to market and sell their products directly to consumers through an independent, volunte
In 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided 14 7-Eleven stores that subjected about 50 undocumented immigrants to negligent human rights violations.
On August 29, 2018 Eric Bauman, Chairman of the Democratic Party of California sent out a midnight tweet exposing In-N-Out Burger’s donation of $25,000 to the Republican party and called for a na
On September 4, 2018, Nike, Inc. launched a new ad campaign featuring, Colin Kaepernick, a professional athlete with a highly polarizing image.
In this decision case, students are asked to grasp the magnitude and scope of the global refugee crisis. Pope Francis has identified the crisis as the worst crisis facing humanity since WWII.
Victaulic Company (“Victaulic”) is a privately-owned, third generation, American family business. The company makes mechanical pipe-fittings especially for heating and cooling systems.
Mark Quinn had big dreams for Agrowtopia. What started out as a class project had slowly evolved into a small university urban farm.
John fell while trimming trees, requiring shoulder surgery. The physician ordered physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) as John could not work.
The Global Jesuit Case Series (GJCS) was formally launched in 2015 with the singular goal of establishing a series of real-world business cases, written by executives, educators and entrepreneurs
Larry, a resident of Jefferson County, Alabama, was bemoaning the minimum charges on his latest water bill in a phone conversation with his sister, Margaret.
Betsy DeVos barely was confirmed as Secretary of Education with Vice President Pence casting the tie-breaking vote. She knew she had to address the contentious Title IX issue.
Heidi, an MBA student who is only a couple of weeks into her new job as City Treasurer, was asked to be on the city’s negotiation team that would negotiate the new contract with the local firefig
In November 2016, Matthew LeBretton, vice president of public affairs for New Balance (NB) athletic shoes, publicly supported Donald Trump’s trade policies after a highly emotional presidential e