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Teaching Notes
Many business schools embrace a mission or purpose to develop leaders with a focus on values and principles.
Understanding and developing resilience is becoming increasingly important in business for both leaders and organizations.
The following invited essay by Dr. Michael Garanzini, S.J., is based on a talk Fr.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
What does Jerusalem have to say to Athens?
Tertullian, a Christian author and apologist in the second century of the Common Era, asked, “What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?” This comes from hi
Marketing education in Jesuit business schools, as in most other business schools, is mainly oriented towards traditional for-profit business enterprises.
Welcome to Volume 5 of the Journal of Jesuit Business Education!
Outcomes Assessment for Mission: Measuring the Impact of Jesuit Education The accreditation standards of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) make clear the essential
In 2007, our university signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment agreement. At the time, that organization comprised fewer than two dozen schools; now it has hundreds.
What is the proper role of business leaders with regard to sustainability? In this paper, we dialectically bring the disciplines of economics and philosophy to bear on this question.
I want to propose a new patron saint for business people: Peter Faber.
Faculty members across the academy regularly use rubrics for assessing a variety of student work. Such assessments and rubrics are inherently based on the pedagogy employed by the educators.
Few challenges are as formidable as trying to reconcile ethically responsible behavior with the bottom line. Is there a relationship between ethical business practices and business performance?
In the spirit of this journal’s invitation to address the questions What’s so?, So what?, and Now what?, this editorial will comment brie"y on possible responses to these three questions—response
In this article, we review the challenges to the current economic system and then proceed by presenting two competing paradigms—the economistic and humanistic paradigms of business.
Entrepreneurship is increasingly being recognized as a significant conduit for bringing about a transformation towards sustainable products and processes.
Sustainable marketing is one of the main challenges facing firms over the next few years because of its potential impact on both the growth of firms and the image of business people, hence the ne
In a world that is in need of more individuals acting with the social and environmental impact of their decisions in mind, what would it take to develop sustainability-minded leaders?
This article discusses ways in which ICTs contribute to several aspects of global sustainability.
Mike Peters, a professor at Rocky Mountain State University (RMSU), had been asked to serve as the chair of a selection committee to fill the position of Human Resource Partner.