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Teaching Notes
This research provides a first step in developing an inventory on entrepre- neurship curriculum, pedagogy, and research within the global network of Jesuit universities.
The effectiveness of an education at a Jesuit business school may be measured in several ways. This paper will address two of these measures: Sabbath and Charism.
Teaching business ethics has never been the easiest of “jobs,” but the past five years have shown yet again how necessary business ethics education is.
Four themes have dominated Jesuit life, mission, and education since St.
Sustainability is an important challenge facing today’s global organizations.
Business schools (B-schools) around the globe offer similar programs made up of disciplines such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, management, economics, and business law.
Business education is being criticized as too vocational and not teaching critical thinking and other important skills.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE) is dedicated to the promotion and distribution of scholarly work and commentary with a focus on the distinctiveness of business education in the Je
This decision case gives students an opportunity to think about communication needs related to an organization’s recovery from a crisis created by a flood.
Roger Redford was intrigued by a story he had just seen on TV about a horse trainer who routinely abused horses to enhance their performance in the show ring.
This case reports, in his own words, the experiences of Javier, a 22 year-old factory worker, reflecting on three separate interpersonal incidents occurring within the past year at his job in a f
Idaho State University Credit Union (ISU CU), despite being a well-managed depository institution, had to deal with the fallout of the worst recession since the Great Depression.
This case involves a situation where the owners of a coffee shop needed to assess the value of the business as one of the owners had found a need to sell off their portion of the business.
Because the Kitty vs Goliath case involves problems with a telecommunications company, students will easily relate to it.
This descriptive case requires students to analyze Rolex Group’s decision to endorse Tiger Woods following his scandal in November, 2009.
The GSBI originated from the observation that technology innovations bene!ting humanity, such as those honored by The Tech Awards program, rarely achieved meaningful scale.
Social ventures balance the economic and social dimensions of value creation to alleviate the problems created by shared collective issues.
The call for global sustainability is echoed by societal, environmental, and economic needs across the globe.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help social enterprises and other organizations working on global sustainability issues and in the human development sector in general scale t