Discipline / Topic
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Teaching Notes
This decision case focuses on Lee McBride who is embarking upon his first organizational consulting project as a part of his senior honors thesis.
This case involves an entrepreneurial company’s decision on whether to expand or not expand due to over-crowding issues at their current location.
Jesuit business education has distinguished itself in many ways from the business education offered by non-Jesuit and non-religious business schools worldwide.
This paper acknowledges that there is a specifically Jesuit dimension of leadership.
In order to elaborate on what I believe should be distinctive about a business education pursued under the name Jesuit I will take the subject in three directions.
I have selected “Advancing the Common Good” and the role of justice and markets as my subject because of the many divergent views that can be raised concep- tually and practically about them, and beca
We engage in business in order to fulfill human needs for goods and services.