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Teaching Notes
The Society for Case Research held a preconference workshop to help authors improve their case research skills.
Dr. Cara Peters, Associate Editor of Journal for Case Studies, has a long-time friend from graduate school who used to be an active member of the Society for Case Research.
As editors, our goal is to facilitate the publishing of interesting and relevant cases that allow for students to evaluate real-world events and experiences.
Over time, each of the editors of the Journal of Case Studies has set a goal to improve the quality of publications produced by the journal.
William Powers, in his book Hamlet’s Blackberry (2010), makes the point that many in the developed and developing world live in an interconnected space: there are few moments when we are not talk
Cases are real life, true stories. The story is told about a real event in a real organization in a real industry.
This study of Jesuit business schools/programs finds that there are differences between Jesuit business education and business education at other religiously affil- iated, or non-religiously affiliate
I am neither a scholar of business, nor an academic.
When we started Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE), we decided to address four general themes that could infuse the Jesuit mission into business education: (1) faith/spirituality, (2) serv