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This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Volume 37 Issue 3. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
All 100+ step-by-step videos for this zero-to-full-stack iOS course are available online at the YouTube playlist:

When Proctor & Gamble introduced the Tide Pod line of laundry detergent products, it did not quite get the result that they expected.
In the 1970s, schools and sporting teams started responding to concern over using Native American imagery in logos, chants, and mascots. Some moved away from the imagery entirely.
The public may punish public figures whose demonstrations appear disrespectful.
The following project was conducted in partnership with University of Detroit Mercy and Ford Community Corps.
An ad for Qiaobi laundry gel balls sparked outrage in media all over the globe including Australia, New Zealand, France, Hong Kong, the U.K., and the United States.
Koji Tanaka was the former president of Yuri, USA, Inc., who now served as an adviser to the Yuri management team.
Matt Smith, a college student who lived at home in Cook County, took charge of family grocery shopping as a result of the Sweetened Beverage Tax Ordinance passed by the County Board on November 1
After looking at another disappointing quarterly report for new accounts, Patty, the V.P. of Retail Banking for Second Peak Bank, was convinced that immediate action needed to be taken.
This critical incident is about self-imposed reputational crisis because of a controversial Facebook post by Shannon Reilly, who owned and operated Magnolia Bistro.
This critical incident describes an ethical dilemma faced by a co-owner of a craft brewery.
On September 10, 2017, as Hurricane Irma moved toward Florida, one Tesla owner with a 60wKh battery capacity phoned in to ask if Tesla would grant him the battery power equal to a 75wKh model.
In an environment where published public opinion can make or break a company, both individuals and organizations should be aware of what content is permissible in an online review, and what cross
John Stewart, owner of Above Board Storage, had built a successful storage company on a slim marketing budget, but sales had started to slump.
This is the full preview of the 2019 Journal of Critical Incidents. Individual CIs with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This is the full preview of Issue 1 for 2019 Journal of Case Studies. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.