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After turning pro in 1996, Tiger Woods rapidly became the most famous golfer in the world and one of the wealthiest professional athletes of all time.
Mr. Peanut was 100 years old and one of the oldest brand characters in the market place.
For years as Unilever’s brand director of skin cleansing, Jennifer Bremner, had enjoyed Dove’s tremendous brand success as it sought to redefine the definition of feminine beauty.
Earl’s Cyclery and Fitness (Earl’s), located in Burlington, Vermont, is a specialty retailer in bicycles, accessories, and fitness equipment.
Epitomax Nutrition (EN), the sports nutrition market leader, is faced with both an opportunity and a challenge.
This critical incident describes a marketing decision faced by Elon Musk of Tesla.
This is the full preview of the Winter 2020 Journal of Critical Incidents. Individual CIs with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This course gives students the chance to develop their knowledge and thinking about entrepreneurial opportunities by applying marketing concepts to the specific challenges of the small business,
This is an introductory Entrepreneurship course for those contemplating an Entrepreneurship major and minor with an opportunity to vie for a business loan to start a businesson campus.
This course is structured to present you with the basic principles and practices of sales management and direct selling.Students will be exposed to the multi-faceted nature of the sales manager’s
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Volume 37 Issue 3. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This study compares learning outcomes, for an undergraduate statistics course, of traditional sections versus a section based on the Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm (IPP section).
In an attempt to engage Jesuit business school students in transformational learning, Marquette University offers the Applied Global Business Learning (AGBL) Program.
This study aims to reveal the ethical practices in the workplace and the support of the organization in encouraging ethical behavior.

When Proctor & Gamble introduced the Tide Pod line of laundry detergent products, it did not quite get the result that they expected.
In the 1970s, schools and sporting teams started responding to concern over using Native American imagery in logos, chants, and mascots. Some moved away from the imagery entirely.
The public may punish public figures whose demonstrations appear disrespectful.
The following project was conducted in partnership with University of Detroit Mercy and Ford Community Corps.