The Washington Redskins: When Public Perception Challenges a Brand

Hardy, K.
North America
Marketing & Sales
8 pages
public perception
reputation management
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

The Washington Redskins professional football team face a new social climate with the sudden rise of power and influence of the Black Lives Matter Movement. The team, its owners, sponsors and fans confront a momentous shift in American tolerance for racially charged brands following the death George Floyd in 2020. Sponsorship arrangements, logotypes, even the team’s name are under fire.

Learning Outcomes
  1. To highlight the importance of understanding the public perception of a large brand and the risks a racially-charged brand poses to a company’s image and reputation.
  2. To provide an example of a valuable brand being publicly pressured to rebrand.
  3. To demonstrate the negative impact a racially-charged brand can have on partnering companies’ brands and reputations.
  4. To encourage discussion regarding cultural trends embracing social justice and their effect on company brands.