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Teaching Notes
Cuando vi a Edgar por primera vez en noviembre de 1994 por una tumoración en el cuello, tuve la sensación de que su caso tenía un pronóstico grave, y que tenía que hacer algo y pronto.
Este caso se desarrolla en el contexto de la crisis agraria española de finales del siglo XIX.
Este caso describe un escenario en el que una empresa de consultoría lidera la elaboración del reporte de sostenibilidad de dos de sus clientes, basada en la herramienta de materialización propue
Este caso retoma la historia del científico sudcoreano Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, quien en el año 2004 alcanzó fama mundial por su investigación en la clonación de células madre de embriones humanos.
El caso plantea la necesidad de tomar una decisión con respecto a qué acción legal debía emprender una asociación civil mexicana para recuperar el pago acumulado atrasado y presente de parte de u
Authentic Lyon era una tienda de saldos de ropa ubicada en las Plazas Outlet en Jalisco, México, que luego de tres años de operación seguía generando más gastos que utilidades.
A comienzos del año 2014, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Colombia en conjunto con el Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario giraron recursos financieros para la
In 1849, parishioners of the Chicago, Illinois, German United Evangelical Reformed Lutheran Church began burying their beloved dead in the adjacent St. Johannes Cemetery.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
The use of Ignatian pedagogy (IP) in the business curriculum has been documented extensively for qualitative courses but less so for quantitative courses.
Business is a field fraught with ethical and moral land mines.
This research utilized an existing survey instrument to measure mission-related outcomes in students at a Jesuit university.
National College of Ireland (NCI) is situated in the Docklands area of the North East Inner City of Dublin and, like many city Docklands, the area has been redeveloped over the past 15 years as a
The purpose of this article is to provide professors and students in Jesuit business schools with the information necessary to justify and use ten principles that continue the distincively Jesuit
Using qualitative data drawn from over 300 student reflections, this study explored the influence of the lgnatian pedagogical paradigm (IPP) and project based academic service-learning (ASL) on
Sharing personal stories among a small group of student colleagues involves multiple acts of courage, trust, and being vulnerable and transparent.
Business schools strive to mold their graduates to reflect the values and profile espoused in their mission statements.
Technological innovation often results in unintended consequences. Since the end of the 20th century, one of those unintended consequences has been the skewing of income distribution towards the
This article examines the potential for Laudato Si' to play a more formative role in Jesuit business education and describes a course that puts Laudato Si' into action.