Author: Society for Ca…
Accounting & Finance
Ethics & Social Justice
Human Resources & Organizational Behavior
Information Systems
Marketing & Sales
Strategy & General Management
Target Audience
Faculty Description

This is the full preview of Issue 1 for 2019 Journal of Case Studies. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.

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This is the full preview of Issue 1 for 2019 Journal of Case Studies. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.


  • FullContact: The Case for No-Contact Vacations
    Peggy Sue Loroz, Gonzaga University, Molly B. Pepper, Gonzaga University, Adriane Leithauser, Gonzaga University
  • Above Board Storage and the Need to Revamp its Marketing Strategies
    Katie Reynolds, Winthrop University, Cara Peters, Winthrop University, Craig Davis, Ohio University
  • Olympics Skiing, Elite Distance Runners, & NCAA Basketball: Three Cases of Exemplary Team Performance
    Holly Milanese, Queens University of Charlotte, Emily Poulton, Queens University of Charlotte, Jennifer Hull, Queens University of Charlotte, Dawn E. Chanland, Queens University of Charlotte
  • Game Theory, Screening Devices, and the Case of Young Consulting
    Karla Borja, The University of Tampa, Ashley R. Burns, The University of Tampa
  • Voting to Save TRANSAERO, Russia’s No. 2 Airline
    Olga Kandinskaia, Cyprus International Institute of Management