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Teaching Notes
A consistent finding in sustainability research is that women are eco-friendlier than men, a gap usually ascribed to differences in socialization.
Responding to Pope Francis’s appeals in Laudato si’ and to societal pressures, multinational enterprises (MNEs; Dunning, 1977) are increasingly searching for ways to structure demands for corpora
On April 25, 2014, Garthen Leslie and Ben Kaufman, Quirky founder and CEO, appeared on the Bloomberg television show, In the Loop, hosted by Betty Liu, to discuss how they had teamed up to move G
To make real progress on what can only be classified as environmental emergencies, we need a wide base of public consensus for action given that public motivation and involvement is a prerequisit
Inspired by Pope Francis’s call for a new journey that instills the importance of conservation and care for the environment, we propose a practical model that mathematically incorporates sustaina
The articles also share at least one other theme: the observation that too few people are influencing the fate of the earth.
This study analyzes sustainability concepts through the lens of Roman Catholic Social Teaching (CST) with a special emphasis on Laudato Si’.
The world is facing significant threats from inequality and climate change, both of which are potential sources of societal and civilizational instability.
In 2015, Pope Francis released his second papal encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home (Francis, 2015), the central idea of which is the Holy Father’s concern for the future of our
This decision-based case is concerned with the proposed acquisition agreement of The Valspar Corporation by The Sherwin-Williams Company.

Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn intends to introduce the first mass-produced all-electric car, the Leaf, in December 2010.
Faculty at Jesuit institutions may understand the fundamental drivers of a Jesuit education.
In Spring 2015, a three-member team comprised of two business faculty and the Director for the Center for Mission and Identity from a Midwest Jesuit university designed an international immersion
We envision and propose a Jesuit “knowledge network” to facilitate the work of building a transformative Jesuit business education through vibrant and ongoing global dialogue.
Reflection is a fundamental component of Ignatian pedagogy linking action and experience to learning. Developing skills of reflection will support students’ current learning.
This paper makes a case for expanding the role of the imagination in whole person education. Imagination, grounded in faith, serves the promotion of justice.
The aim of this article is to familiarize readers with and further explore the Society of Jesus’ (Jesuit) university mission, as well as identify its key challenges and prior- ities.
Research shows that Millennial students learn differently (Rivera and Huertas, 2006, Pinder-Grover and Groscurth, 2009, Novotney, 2010, Bart, 2011, Nevid, 2011).
This case primarily explores issues related to a multi-party, multi-faceted, escalating conflict that occurred at Trinity Classical Academy (TCA), a private, non-profit primary and secondary scho
Mike Kramer, the CEO of HaylioMed, led his small technology firm for over a decade, during which time it had become the market leader in the provision of a complex Enterprise Software System for