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Teaching Notes
Cases in Corporate Ethics: 3.2: A Life of Struggle: Lakshimi Sahgal's felt the whole freedom struggle had gone wrong. Partition had been a disaster, and the modern pursuit of money had ruined all.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 3.3: Dr.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 4.1: Panama Nature Fresh Pvt. Ltd.: Panama Nature Fresh Pvt. Ltd. was formally incorporated in India in 2013 with a mission of revolutionizing farming in India.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 4.2: Chickens, referred to as “broilers” by the industry, arrive at the grow-out facility where they will spend the next few weeks of their short lives.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 4.3: This case discusses the rationale behind doling out dividends to shareholders at the cost of liquidity and financial robustness.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 5.1: Despite uncertainty and slowdown in the Indian economy, India has recorded sustained growth in merchandise retail during the decade 2002-2012, and is expected to do so i
Cases in Corporate Ethics 5.2: The case involves three key stakeholders – Bain Capital Partners, Lilliput Kids wear and Ernst & Young. It brings to light the classic case of breach of trust.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 5.3: Japan is putting pressure on India to sort out taxation, labor and other problems that Toyota, Mitsubishi and Honda are currently facing in India.
If the night watchman at the Swedish sales office had been watching -- which he wasn't -- he would have noticed on two of the twenty three video screens a single, tall, athletic figure softly wal
Ed Truitt, Manager of Finance and Administration for Sampson's American Sandpaper Division (ASD), returned to his office late on Friday afternoon.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 1.1: The year 2008 will go down in American and global economic history as the worst since 1931.
Nathan O’Rourke’s simple service contract became complicated when the contractor he was responsible for chose to work beyond the scope of the contract.
As a result of complying with a request made of al law firms to investigate gender equity, by his Bar Association, Merle Richards obtains evidence that his firm’s environment may not be gender ne
This critical incident represents a real situation in which a well-known billionaire television executive, Oprah Winfrey was caught in the middle of a sex scandal at her beloved Leadership Academ
This decisive critical incident describes events which took place within the community of Ferguson, MO following the shooting of an unarmed African American teenager by a white policy officer tha
In June 2008, Heather Cooke interviewed Samantha Elauf for a position at Abercrombie & Fitch. Samantha was well dressed and wore a black hijab, a headscarf, to the interview.
Triple Impact was a new social enterprise start-up firm founded by four university students in 2013. The founders believed that it was possible to serve others and make a profit.
As Laudato Si’ makes clear, the way we currently produce, distribute, and consume simply cannot continue, and even if it could continue, it is tragically unjust and should be altered.
Since the corporate sustainability movement emerged more than 20 years ago, much has been written about how multinational corporations must play an important role in solving the planet’s ecologic
Mankind faces the challenge of transforming the existing global production/consumption/wealth-distribution system from an unjust, unsustainable one into a more just system which the Earth’s resou