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Talon started Bergen House, a craft mead brewery in Connecticut. After surviving the Covid-19 pandemic, he wanted to grow his business.
Peter Lycurgus had an opportunity to invest in Eyefluence, a start-up venture whose eye-tracking technology allowed individuals to operate digitally controlled devices through eye movements.
Dean Rolland wanted to mark his tenure with a significant leadership, transforming his university to a waste to energy hub for the surrounding cities and contribute to the sustainability practice
The Joni Rogers-Kante & SeneGence case touches on topics of skyrocketing growth, the operational and leadership shifts that accompany such growth, industry ethics, home-based business, family
Hantz Woodlands, LLC, is a startup company, a social enterprise in Detroit, and the world’s largest urban farm.
Garthen Leslie was thrust into the public spotlight after inventing a smartphone application that could control and monitor the operation of window air conditioners.
The Economy of Communion (EoC) is a worldwide entrepreneurial movement which sees the person, rather than profit, as the most important focus of business.
As the “trendsetter in education,” the experiments and experiences of Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies Tiruvalla (MACFAST) already show it to be an exceptional model of education, inno
The Connie Tang & Princess House case touches on topics of crisis management, community, the direct selling business model, the Hispanic market, leadership, childhood and adult influences and
Two homeschooled Florida teenagers meet in a homeschool group arranged by their moms, start community college at 14 years of age and discover a shared passion for social entrepreneurship.
The CEO of 23andMe started the firm in 2006 to sell saliva test kits with ancestry and health related genetic reports direct to customers (DTC).
Theranos became one of the most exciting start-ups in Silicon Valley when it introduced a simplified blood testing method that had the potential to help countless people.
Marketing education in Jesuit business schools, as in most other business schools, is mainly oriented towards traditional for-profit business enterprises.
Entrepreneurship is increasingly being recognized as a significant conduit for bringing about a transformation towards sustainable products and processes.
In 2007, after raising nearly $1.5 million in seed money, Eric Frank and Jeff Shelstad quit their jobs and founded Flat World.
This research provides a first step in developing an inventory on entrepre- neurship curriculum, pedagogy, and research within the global network of Jesuit universities.
This article addresses the specific role of programs that attempt to help social ventures scale.
Hammerhead Systems (HS) evolved from the incubator stage inside a venture capitalist (VC) firm.
Laird Jennings, a long time senior software engineer at Circle 6 Corporation became increasingly concerned about his future employment due to a series of events that threatened the survival of th