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The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued its long-awaited new standard on the accounting for leases in Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-02, on February 25, 2016.
In a broad sense, a conceptual framework can be seen as a structured theory of accounting.
In recent years, sustainability reporting has increasingly become common practice by large corporations.
In The Serengeti Rules: The quest to discover how life works and why it matters, Sean B.
Organizations around the world have become increasingly concerned about managing for sustainability, yet undergraduate education about sustainability often presents the challenge of dealing with
A consistent finding in sustainability research is that women are eco-friendlier than men, a gap usually ascribed to differences in socialization.
There has been a steady decline in coffee production and general farming activity in Amadeo, Cavite—farmers lament that their soil is acidic, causing a significant drop in coffee yields, while co
Organizations report challenges in implementing continuous improvement or operational excellence initiatives as they strive for sustainability, yet few have considered the impact that social barr
Responding to Pope Francis’s appeals in Laudato si’ and to societal pressures, multinational enterprises (MNEs; Dunning, 1977) are increasingly searching for ways to structure demands for corpora
Course Description: We live in an organization-based society and no organization exists without people.
Artism Creativity Center (ACC) was a nonprofit organization based in California. Its purpose was to help teach art to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
This decision case describes the challenge facing Isaac, the general manager of Automotive Expert, an auto parts chain with stores scattered throughout the state of Ohio.
The strategic decision of Home Box Office (HBO) to launch HBO NOW placed the company into direct competition with established, online digital streaming enterprises such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amaz
Avani Davda, the CEO of Tata-Starbucks, had to make major decisions soon on product positioning and building a strong consumer base.
The purpose of this decision case is to discuss business valuation in the context of a privatelyowned service company.
The purpose of this decision case is to discuss business valuation in the context of a privatelyowned service company.
St. Joseph Abbey operated a small Catholic seminary north of Covington, Louisiana. One of the Abbey’s financial means of support was wiped out by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Social responsibility has become more than just a luxury idea for organizations in the twenty- first century; in 2015, it was increasingly seen as a necessity for a company.
On April 25, 2014, Garthen Leslie and Ben Kaufman, Quirky founder and CEO, appeared on the Bloomberg television show, In the Loop, hosted by Betty Liu, to discuss how they had teamed up to move G
This case explores the costs and benefits of being a ride share driver as either a full or part-time job.