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Teaching Notes
Upland degradation has been a growing concern in the Philippines in the wake of extensive logging and clearing in the 1970s–1980s.
While lgnatian teaching epistemology is relatively well developed, it is less so for theory building epistemology within the social sciences and professional schools.
The Connie Tang & Princess House case touches on topics of crisis management, community, the direct selling business model, the Hispanic market, leadership, childhood and adult influences and
Valve Corp has become one of the most successful entertainment and technology firms in the world in terms of firm performance and innovativeness.
Lucelia was a retired teacher who bought a farm in early 2006 with her savings, after 30 years as a Biology teacher for children aged 11 to 18.
Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Thus spoke President John F.
On June 2, 2016, the MacArthur Foundation announced a competition awarding $100 million to a single project that would contribute toward solving a significant societal problem.
Jesuit business schools have an obligation to develop ethical transformational leaders who seek a just and humane world.
The creation of a sustainable world urgently requires managers of organizations to consider large-scale changes in the practices and policies of social and economic institutions.
Organizations around the world have become increasingly concerned about managing for sustainability, yet undergraduate education about sustainability often presents the challenge of dealing with
A consistent finding in sustainability research is that women are eco-friendlier than men, a gap usually ascribed to differences in socialization.
Responding to Pope Francis’s appeals in Laudato si’ and to societal pressures, multinational enterprises (MNEs; Dunning, 1977) are increasingly searching for ways to structure demands for corpora
To make real progress on what can only be classified as environmental emergencies, we need a wide base of public consensus for action given that public motivation and involvement is a prerequisit
Inspired by Pope Francis’s call for a new journey that instills the importance of conservation and care for the environment, we propose a practical model that mathematically incorporates sustaina
The articles also share at least one other theme: the observation that too few people are influencing the fate of the earth.
This study analyzes sustainability concepts through the lens of Roman Catholic Social Teaching (CST) with a special emphasis on Laudato Si’.
The world is facing significant threats from inequality and climate change, both of which are potential sources of societal and civilizational instability.
In 2015, Pope Francis released his second papal encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home (Francis, 2015), the central idea of which is the Holy Father’s concern for the future of our
By 2011 analysts and journalists were buzzing about why Starbucks had been so timid with its entry into India. After all, Starbucks had over 17,000 stores worldwide in 55 countries.
A former mutual fund chief investment officer, Mike Atherton, was concerned about the future volatility of bonds in a likely environment of rising interest rates.