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The creation of a sustainable world urgently requires managers of organizations to consider large-scale changes in the practices and policies of social and economic institutions.
There are immediate calls to action across all business sectors to address the adverse effects of climate change.
Following Mexican President Carlos de Gortari Salinas’ late 1980’s trade liberalization policies, that ignited an onslaught of foreign direct investment and ultimately lead to the passage of NAFT
In April 2008, small particles of glass were discovered during a quality control check at Boston Beer Company’s Cincinnati brewery.
In The Serengeti Rules: The quest to discover how life works and why it matters, Sean B.
Organizations around the world have become increasingly concerned about managing for sustainability, yet undergraduate education about sustainability often presents the challenge of dealing with
A consistent finding in sustainability research is that women are eco-friendlier than men, a gap usually ascribed to differences in socialization.
There has been a steady decline in coffee production and general farming activity in Amadeo, Cavite—farmers lament that their soil is acidic, causing a significant drop in coffee yields, while co
Organizations report challenges in implementing continuous improvement or operational excellence initiatives as they strive for sustainability, yet few have considered the impact that social barr
Responding to Pope Francis’s appeals in Laudato si’ and to societal pressures, multinational enterprises (MNEs; Dunning, 1977) are increasingly searching for ways to structure demands for corpora
Our species faces the greatest challenge it has ever faced: how to transform the currently dominant global producing-distributingconsuming system from one that is destroying the planet’s capacity
Mankind faces the challenge of transforming the existing global production, distribution, and consumption system into one that is more just and sustainable and which the Earth’s resources can sup
To make real progress on what can only be classified as environmental emergencies, we need a wide base of public consensus for action given that public motivation and involvement is a prerequisit
This study focuses on the CEO-asserted critical need for sustainability in corporate strategy and MBA student perceptions of the extent to which their respective programs prepare them to handle s
Faith-based organizations (FBOs) have long played a role in international development and are increasingly involved in sustainability initiatives.
Inspired by Pope Francis’s call for a new journey that instills the importance of conservation and care for the environment, we propose a practical model that mathematically incorporates sustaina
This case discusses Boswellness, a Vermont-based company that distilled, packaged, and distributed organic frankincense and myrrh products.
Providence, RI had a 1,980-street municipal grid, wherein 75 street names were identified as nonunique, having one or more similar sounding or duplicated matches in the metropolitan area.
The play “N*GGER WETB*CK CH*NK” had been performed in 44 states as a comedic critique of stereotypes and race.
The articles also share at least one other theme: the observation that too few people are influencing the fate of the earth.