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Teaching Notes
Do our actions model a genuine commitment to global sustainability? Or do they belie that spoken commitment?
This article reviews the problematic surrounding the concept of future generations, which is intertwined with questions concerning intergenerational justice, weak sustainability, non-existence, n
This paper describes recent concerns with management education and offers the Economy of Communion (EoC) Model as an example that maybe used in management education programs to illustrate a spiri
Over time, each of the editors of the Journal of Case Studies has set a goal to improve the quality of publications produced by the journal.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 5 (Fall 2012). Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
Webster defines solidarity as “unity that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives, and standards.” What does solidarity have to do with business education?
This paper starts by describing the historical and theological rationale for helping our students better understand themselves and serve others.
William Powers, in his book Hamlet’s Blackberry (2010), makes the point that many in the developed and developing world live in an interconnected space: there are few moments when we are not talk
In this essay three authors intensely involved in formation programs in both Catholic Healthcare and mission and identity programs in Higher Education pool their experience to present an emergent pers
The Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought at the University of St.
We contend that there are distinct and socially beneficial perspectives, rooted in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT) and Catholic Social Teaching (CST), which can help nurture future mana
Ignatius Loyola mastered the art of creativity with an effective use of the imagination which he commends to his followers.
The new world is one of global possibility and convergence—yet, at the same time, one of increasing fragmentation and risk.
Cases are real life, true stories. The story is told about a real event in a real organization in a real industry.
Whispering Pines is a not-for-profit retirement home, established in 1927, that never made the transition to a modern nursing home model and now faces occupancy, management, and Board problems.
This case offers students the opportunity to evaluate the response of laptop computer manufacturers to incidents of their batteries overheating and igniting into flames.
Bill Smith was the long-time owner/operator/CEO of Measurement Equipment Supply Company, Inc.
Hammerhead Systems (HS) evolved from the incubator stage inside a venture capitalist (VC) firm.
John Stuve was a professor who had recently moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. John met Steve Finley at a church social event.