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Among many modern trends reflecting shifts in the way consumers satisfy their needs is the rising popularity of consumption modes based on renting, lending, leasing, and/or sharing.
This paper provides a synthesis of the recent literature related to corporate ownership issues and theoretical models of corporate and industry interactions linked through common ownership by ins
This article seeks to acknowledge fear as a strong presence in the workforce by identifying from whence it comes.
In principle, a business ought to thrive when its leaders make good plans (plans that provide for compensation greater than the risk implied in those plans), and its people bring those plans to f
Review of Business: Interdisciplinary Journal on Risk and Society is published twice a year ISSN: 0034-6454 The Peter J. Tobin College of Business St.
This case requires students to exhibit their ability to effectively communicate and request accounting information as part of an operational audit.
This empirical study of 88 countries explored mathematical relationships between Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.
This study analyzes the role institutions have in shaping incentives within the shark fin market.
An insider is a person that has or had a legitimate right to access computing resources of an organization.
Tourism-based economies throughout the world are experiencing a surge in growth, driven in part by decreases in travel costs, increases in the average time available for leisure, and decreases in
This study provides a data analysis to identify the prevalence of double dipping in the New York State education system.
Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Thus spoke President John F.
On June 2, 2016, the MacArthur Foundation announced a competition awarding $100 million to a single project that would contribute toward solving a significant societal problem.
Jesuit business schools have an obligation to develop ethical transformational leaders who seek a just and humane world.
This article describes the analytical support a Saint Joseph’s University (SJU) data mining class provided over the past three academic years to Fe y Alegría in Bolivia (FyAB), a Jesuit-sponsored
The creation of a sustainable world urgently requires managers of organizations to consider large-scale changes in the practices and policies of social and economic institutions.
There are immediate calls to action across all business sectors to address the adverse effects of climate change.
Review of Business: Interdisciplinary Journal on Risk and Society - Volume 38 Number 1 - 2018
Whether a company expects to remain in existence for a reasonable time into the future is a fundamental consideration for investors and creditors when evaluating investment alternatives.
This work examines the August 2016 guidance in ASC 2016-14, Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board.