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As a result of complying with a request made of al law firms to investigate gender equity, by his Bar Association, Merle Richards obtains evidence that his firm’s environment may not be gender ne
This critical incident describes a situation that a relatively new mid-level manager experienced in the workplace.
This critical incident represents a real situation in which a well-known billionaire television executive, Oprah Winfrey was caught in the middle of a sex scandal at her beloved Leadership Academ
This decisive critical incident describes events which took place within the community of Ferguson, MO following the shooting of an unarmed African American teenager by a white policy officer tha
This critical incident takes place in the Philippine office of an engineering design consultancy whose parent company is British.
This incident deals with the controversial interview in GQ magazine with Phil Robertson, founder of West Monroe, Louisiana-based Duck Commander and family patriarch on A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” re
In June 2008, Heather Cooke interviewed Samantha Elauf for a position at Abercrombie & Fitch. Samantha was well dressed and wore a black hijab, a headscarf, to the interview.
Urban Outfitters, as part of their vintage line, came under severe criticism for selling a sweatshirt with a Kent State University logo that included red splotches that resembled blood stains.
Ed Post, a new member of the Messiah Board of Deacons, needs to make a recommendation on a proposal for a ministry outreach.
Ann Igbo’s small business, Heritage Health Resources, was strapped for cash. Client insurance payments dribbled in and cash flow had become a problem.
Erin is a catering supervisor and is responsible for requisitioning food for all catering events.
An employee goes home at night, frustrated by what he or she perceives to be an unjust workplace and unfair manager, but can this employee go to social media to complain?
This critical incident describes Greenpeace’s social media and direct-action campaign targeting Lego for its business relationship with Shell Oil.
This decision based critical incident describes Sam Cooper’s dilemma of whether to continue working at his family’s business where he had for ten years, or to instead accept an offer to become an
Laura, area supervisor for a large swimming pool management company that dealt primarily with private community pools, received a call one night from the president of a homeowners’ association re
In 1912, two explorers, Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott, were preparing separate expeditions to conquer the South Pole.
Production and profit objectives were not being met by the two-week old Leonidas Mining Philippines Joint Venture with Gab International, USA.
This critical incident concerns a middle aged man employed as an adjunct baking instructor at a small community college who is expecting an advancement to a full time position.
This critical incident describes Jodi Whalen and Phil Merrick’s decision to go “screen free” by prohibiting use of laptops, iPads, and electronic reading devices at their restaurant, August First