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Teaching Notes
We envision and propose a Jesuit “knowledge network” to facilitate the work of building a transformative Jesuit business education through vibrant and ongoing global dialogue.
Reflection is a fundamental component of Ignatian pedagogy linking action and experience to learning. Developing skills of reflection will support students’ current learning.
This paper makes a case for expanding the role of the imagination in whole person education. Imagination, grounded in faith, serves the promotion of justice.
This paper contributes to Father Pedro Arrupe’s (1973) call to the Jesuit educational apostolate to consider new analytical tools and approaches to help dismantle social injustice in our world.
The aim of this article is to familiarize readers with and further explore the Society of Jesus’ (Jesuit) university mission, as well as identify its key challenges and prior- ities.
Research shows that Millennial students learn differently (Rivera and Huertas, 2006, Pinder-Grover and Groscurth, 2009, Novotney, 2010, Bart, 2011, Nevid, 2011).
What does the politics of anger and cynicism that characterizes the 2016 U.S. presidential primary have to do with big business?
This decision-oriented critical incident describes Stacey Garrison’s personal dilemma of whether to candidly express her concerns about the human resource management practices of Lexi and Mark (o
Sylvia Wright, owner of a local Hallmark card shop, had just read a newspaper article announcing the closing of another location in a neighboring county.
Groupon, Inc.’s growth had been spectacular, and in less than three years after its founding, it was ready to make its initial public offering (IPO).
Gary and Darla Beggs, after long, professional tenures in large corporations, decided to become business owners.
This decision-oriented critical incident addresses potential legal and marketing conflicts in the restaurant industry based on claims of superior food or of inferior competitor products.
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) focused on improvement of football (known as soccer in the U.S.) and organized international soccer competitions, including the World
This critical incident considers an English-only language controversy at City Market, Onion River Co-op, a grocery store and food co-op located in Burlington, Vermont.
This descriptive critical incident describes events which took place within the Philadelphia Police Department which resulted in a federal lawsuit for a hostile work environment.
John, a long-time board member at Midwestern Community Credit Union (MCCU), noted in one of his financial reviews that MCCU’s operating expense ratio was substantially higher than those of peer c
Country Crock spread (a butter substitute made by Unilever) had changed its recipe to meet increasing consumer pressures for healthy food products.
This descriptive critical incident is based upon a real life situation encountered by the author.
Dennis Chandler, the incoming president of the Blue Line Hockey Booster Club (BLC) faced a challenging situation.
The critical incident stems from a contract dispute between actor Evan Rachel Wood and film producer 10 Things I Hate, LLC, concerning the film 10 Things I Hate About Life.