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Teaching Notes
This pedagogy prioritizes intellectual aspect (subject-related knowledge), skill development and applications (skill development exercises, real life projects, speakers), project-based and experi
There is mounting evidence that technology and automation are contributing to increasing income inequality.
Privacy is not a new concept and definitions continue to take shape. Generally speaking, privacy refers to the right to be left alone.
Generally, ethical issues involve a choice between value systems -- an individual's, an organization's, and/or society's.
This category is generated from the recognition that there is a great deal of information generated by organizations in the global economy that can be used for the betterment of society.
Algorithmic bias is a term that describes the fact that computer programs that use machine learning can be discriminatory, or unfair.

Occupy SLU: The Case of the Clock Tower Accords is a narrative of the events related to the October 2014 occupation of the Saint Louis University (SLU) campus by protestors associated with the Bl