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Teaching Notes
Business Grand Rounds is a flexible, student-centered, case-based learning process grounded in students’ self-described personal experiences (Weidner & Lvina, 2017).
This provides virtual immersion learning opportunities about those in low-income contexts around the world and locally, referred to in the stream of work we have pioneered as subsistenc
At the center of Jesuit business education should be a business ethics course with a distinct Catholic and Jesuit orientation. Many secular business schools offer superior business eth
Both Pope Francis (in Laudato Si’) and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change agree that current methods of production and patterns of consumption cause catastrophic environmental harm.
This episode explores the tension and complementarities between wealth and spirituality. We discuss the origins of the tension and how the two do not have to be at odds.
Compassion is a complex mental state that is essential for leaders who want to embrace organizational humanity.
Shaping organizations that are grounded in values, respect the human experience of their employees, and contribute to something beyond ourselves makes a positive impact for the firm, employees, a
Mindfulness is an excellent tool that is often conflated with simply paying attention. We briefly describe what mindfulness is and its benefits for physical, emotional, and professional health.
Lectio Divina is a practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion or reflection.
In this podcast, we consider the specific challenges for teams while working from home and practices that may support teams as they weather those challenges.
Working from home may seem to simply be an alternative way to accomplish your job, but this structure of work poses its own challenges to spirituality for business leaders.
Calling is a valuable topic that forces students to consider not only their own ambitions, but their gifts and values along with the needs of their community.
Episode 2 includes a discussion with Thomas Plante from Santa Clara University about the importance of discernment for grounded, deep decision-making. We explore both the process of discernment
This episode provides a foundation for a discussion about spirituality, the relationship between work and business, and its importance for character and professional leadership.
This document provides a set of teaching resources, including questions, discussion points and instructor notes for incorporating Jesuit perspectives and values in the classroom. These resources
This is one of several resources from a larger set of instructional materials from IAJBS.
This is one of several resources from a larger set of instructional materials from the IAJBS.
This is one of several resources from a larger set of instructional materials from IAJBS.
This is one of several resources from a larger set of instructional materials from IAJBS.
This is one of several resources from a larger set of instructional materials from IAJBS.