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Mountainside State University was undertaking a large change project: the replacement of the Learning Management System (LMS) for the university.
This incident reviews the costs and benefits of a decision to consider installing solar panels to supplement or replace electricity provided by the power company.
This critical incident uses the backdrop of a community foundation’s investment committee to explore the dynamics between traditional investment theory and behavioral finance.

This incident is a decision critical incident covering the valuation of Tesla, based on the market perception and the fundamentals.
Babcock Hall Dairy Plant and Store is part of the Food Science Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW).
This critical incident describes an ethical dilemma faced by a co-owner of a craft brewery.
This critical incident is about Erin Jewell who owned and operated MD Cosmetics, a cosmetic medical spa in Williston, Vermont.
On September 10, 2017, as Hurricane Irma moved toward Florida, one Tesla owner with a 60wKh battery capacity phoned in to ask if Tesla would grant him the battery power equal to a 75wKh model.
A significant number of students in an online, undergraduate business course apparently copied portions of published instructional material into papers they had written after playing a webbased s
The creation of YouTube in 2005 and development of Let’s Play videos transformed the video gaming experience.
The U.S. Coast Guard has enjoyed a generally positive working relationship with the government of the Bahamas for decades.
In an environment where published public opinion can make or break a company, both individuals and organizations should be aware of what content is permissible in an online review, and what cross
The journey toward sustainability is a difficult process for a university given the complex requirements necessary for becoming sustainable.
The current trend of prescribing and enforcing ethical business constructs, models, and frameworks developed in and by the Global North has become a new form of paternalistic colonizing of the Gl
En marzo de 2003 Hugo Majmud Gallardo sufrió un accidente vascular, por lo que su hijo del mismo nombre, en enero de 2004 continuó con la administración operacional y financiera del Hotel San Mar
Fábrica de Jeans era una empresa ubicada en Tijuana, Baja California, que se dedicaba a la fabricación de pantalones de mezclilla.
En el caso se muestra la situación de una empresa que busca a través de la asesoría de un egresado de la carrera en Administración, un diagnóstico para conocer su situación real.
A mediados de 2015, Rocío Flores, una pedagoga y doctora en Educación con más de 20 años de experiencia, era titular de una línea de investigación del campus virtual en una reconocida universidad
Cuando vi a Edgar por primera vez en noviembre de 1994 por una tumoración en el cuello, tuve la sensación de que su caso tenía un pronóstico grave, y que tenía que hacer algo y pronto.