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Impact investing was established with the objective of facing social problems through investments with a dual return: a financial plus social and/or environmental return.
Analysis of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Guanajuato, Mexico from complex social networks
In Mexico, the interest in social enterprises has increased in the last 20 years as an alternative to the profit maximization approach of the company.
System transformation is fundamental, broad, deep, and multi-scalar change that involves a paradigm change, i.e., a radical shift, in five key interrelated and interactive dimensions that constit
The throwaway fast fashion culture leads to increasing wasteful consumption and the dwindling of the world’s natural resources.
This study assessed the impact of the first package of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (or TRAIN) Law, which includes an increase in petroleum and coal excise taxes, as passed by Co
This paper addresses the problem of assessing, measuring, and further developing a Sustainability Mindset.
Business education should give students the skills to solve complex global challenges. It should align management practices with goals for a sustainable future.
Business schools expend resources to attract more and higher-quality applicants to their institutions, yet our understanding of what criteria resonate with those who want to find the right fit wi
This paper aims to examine the role of national culture in the relationship between sustainability practices (social and environmental practices) and sustainability performance (social and enviro
This study explores the initial and sustaining motivations that drive leaders to pursue sustainability as a profession or vocation.
Entrepreneurship is considered to be one of the engines for transforming our world and overcoming the diverse nature of global challenges as it promotes sustained, inclusive, and sustainable econ
Despite the fact that serious concerns regarding the deterioration of the environment and natural resources have been voiced for decades, current business and organizational approaches toward sus
The student-led fossil fuel divestment (FFD) movement urges universities to remove investments in fossil fuel firms from their endowment portfolios to inspire reductions in carbon emissions and h
Each night in Baltimore approximately 2700 people are without a consistent or overnight place to live.
Anti-Black lending practices of the 20th century have had a lasting impact on American society and the financial health of Black households and individuals.
Business Grand Rounds is a flexible, student-centered, case-based learning process grounded in students’ self-described personal experiences (Weidner & Lvina, 2017).
This episode explores the tension and complementarities between wealth and spirituality. We discuss the origins of the tension and how the two do not have to be at odds.
Compassion is a complex mental state that is essential for leaders who want to embrace organizational humanity.
Shaping organizations that are grounded in values, respect the human experience of their employees, and contribute to something beyond ourselves makes a positive impact for the firm, employees, a
Mindfulness is an excellent tool that is often conflated with simply paying attention. We briefly describe what mindfulness is and its benefits for physical, emotional, and professional health.