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In June 2008, Heather Cooke interviewed Samantha Elauf for a position at Abercrombie & Fitch. Samantha was well dressed and wore a black hijab, a headscarf, to the interview.
Erin is a catering supervisor and is responsible for requisitioning food for all catering events.
Laura, area supervisor for a large swimming pool management company that dealt primarily with private community pools, received a call one night from the president of a homeowners’ association re
Danielle O’Reilly was frustrated. She paid for a massage several weeks ago and was really looking forward to it.
This case focuses on the Big Ten athletic conference’s fall 2012 decision to add Rutgers and the University of Maryland to the conference.
Triple Impact was a new social enterprise start-up firm founded by four university students in 2013. The founders believed that it was possible to serve others and make a profit.
Many business schools embrace a mission or purpose to develop leaders with a focus on values and principles.
Rep. Frank Lucas was chair of the House Committee on Agriculture, the committee charged with overseeing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, commonly known as food stamps.
This case represents a small business that a first-time entrepreneur opened and expanded with little planning associated with either event.
The economics of medicine was changing and Dr. Mike Waxman was wondering if his medical specialty group, KCPC, would survive.
Marketing education in Jesuit business schools, as in most other business schools, is mainly oriented towards traditional for-profit business enterprises.
Welcome to Volume 5 of the Journal of Jesuit Business Education!
Outcomes Assessment for Mission: Measuring the Impact of Jesuit Education The accreditation standards of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) make clear the essential
I want to propose a new patron saint for business people: Peter Faber.
The case is about the challenge presented to Dennis Marasigan, an IT manager of Mars Publishing House.
In this decision case, the CEO of an insurance company located in the European Union is faced with a dilemma related to a breach of confidentiality on the part of a senior manager.
This descriptive case was designed for use in an undergraduate course in social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, or business ethics.
Daren Young, CEO of DRYCO, a family owned paving construction and maintenance (PCM) firm, faced several crises at DRYCO but he worked hard to make the firm profitable.
Entrepreneurship is increasingly being recognized as a significant conduit for bringing about a transformation towards sustainable products and processes.
Sustainable marketing is one of the main challenges facing firms over the next few years because of its potential impact on both the growth of firms and the image of business people, hence the ne